
  • 网络promotional;Promotional products;Promotional Items;Promotional Gifts
  1. 这意味著你问他们是否有任何折扣或促销品项。

    It means you are asking if they have any discount item or promotional items .

  2. 本店主营业务:广告赠品、促销品、礼品等一系列烟具用品业务。

    OUR main business : advertising gifts , promotional items , gifts and a series of smoking products business .

  3. 这会让你的促销品显得个性十足、格调高雅。

    This will give your promotional material individuality and style .

  4. 工作时间登录Gmail聊天,网购假日促销品,或在Facebook上交友,这样,你的饭碗可能就危险了。

    If you 're logged into Gmail chat all day , doing your holiday shopping online , or playingon Facebook when you should be working , it could cost you your job .

  5. 购买促销品耐心有助于避免冲动购物。

    Shopping the sales Patience can help you avoid impulse purchases .

  6. 促销品;狂狂欢节;旗帜;庭院装饰品;风同风条;风车;

    Promotional items ; mad carnival ; banner ; garden ornaments ; wind with the wind of ; windmill ;

  7. 研究人员发现,“运动型消费者”不仅在寻找最优价,他们还很享受买促销品带给他们的兴奋感。

    Researchers found that sport shoppers don 't just bargain hunt for the best deals , but also for the thrill of it .

  8. 它主要包括有办公用品、电子产品、家居用品、、工艺品及广告促销品等等。

    It include and have office supplies mainly ,,, skin have household supplies , and advertisement promote and sample etc. handicraft gift electronic product .

  9. 你会看到议程上有三个事项。会议要讨论决定产品的价格、包装及促销品这几个事项。

    On the agenda , you will see there are three items . On the table are the deciding price , packaging , and promotional items .

  10. 主要生产各种规格和款式的孔明灯、荷花灯、广告促销品、龙凤宫灯等工艺品。

    Specifications and production of various major contributory release a Hung Ming lantern lotus lights , advertising promotions , Longfeng palace lantern , and other crafts .

  11. 其他人买了这些债券,发现了这个问题,然后要求偿付,到最后以和公司协商了事,然后我们得到了一个促销品。

    Somebody else owned them , and discovered them , and demanded that they get paid , and ended up negotiating with the company , and we got a kicker .

  12. 当心促销品,因为它们会让你感到自己不能不买。也要当心限时优惠,这会让你感到占了便宜。

    Beware of sale items , which make you feel like you can 't afford not to buy , or limited-time offers , which make you feel like you have to take advantage of a special deal .

  13. 酒广告及促销宣传品不应当涉及宗教或宗教话题。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not employ religion or religious themes .

  14. 楼书设计作为促销宣传品设计的一支,以往只重视其表面化的功能而对其本身缺乏理论系统的研究,甚至是一个空白。

    As a kind of design of promotion flackery , the design of real estate description focused on the apparent functions but ignored the study of systematic theories which even was blank in the past .

  15. 酒广告及促销宣传品不应当含有羞辱男性、女性、或涉及种族、性取向、少数民族、宗教或特殊团体的形象、外形或身份。

    Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not degrade the image , form , or status of women , men , or of any ethnic , sexually-oriented , minority , religious , or other group .

  16. 比方说,有一场“十件十元”的促销活动,你就会认为这是个大好的买入机会,也不管促销品的成色如何,便放开手大肆采购。

    For example , you might see a sale that says " 10 for $ 10 , " which makes you think it 's time to load the cart up with whatever 's on sale .

  17. 在促销策略方面提出:把握时机,转换思维角度,合理有据地选择促销品;

    Suggesting that in the respect of Promotion tactics : Seize the chance , change the thought angle , rationally choose the gift promoting the sales of product ;