
  • 网络Russian school
  1. 论俄罗斯钢琴学派

    Comments on School of Russian Piano

  2. 洛特曼是俄罗斯塔尔图学派的创始人,科学院院士。

    Lotman was the founder of Tartu school of Russia and an academician of science council .

  3. 俄罗斯术语学派经过了70年的曲折发展,创立起了相对完善的术语理论框架,提出并界定了一系列术语学科的术语。

    For 70 years the Russian terminological school has undergone tortuous developments . Eventually , it has set up a relatively perfect framework on the theory of terminology .

  4. 伊·米·谢切诺夫(Ceeo.M.1829&1905)是俄国唯物主义的自然科学家、俄罗斯生理学学派和心理学的自然科学学派的奠基者。

    M. Sechenov ( 1829-1905 ) was a materialistic scientist of Russia . He was the founder of the Russian physiology school as well as the Russian natural science school of psychology .