
  • 网络Russian mafia;Antikiller
  1. 根据牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)犯罪学教授和国际集团犯罪研究专家弗雷德里克o瓦雷泽的介绍,俄罗斯黑帮是高度分散化的。

    Their structure , according to Frederico Varese , a professor of criminology at the University of Oxford and an expert on international organized crime , is highly decentralized .

  2. 布莱顿海滩是俄罗斯黑帮的地盘。

    Brighton beach is Russian territory . So what 's the l.

  3. 他曾是一个俄罗斯黑帮里的头!

    He was a lieutenant in a Russian mob .

  4. 俄罗斯黑帮在追杀我,老兄。

    The Russian mob is after me , friend .

  5. 上周以来有一半俄罗斯黑帮的元老都被清理了。

    Half a dozen V.I.P.S. in the Russian mob were taken out last month .

  6. 俄罗斯黑帮采用的组织结构与日本极道迥然不同。

    Russian mafia groups sit on the other side of the organizational spectrum from Yakuza .

  7. 如果他说了,那俄罗斯黑帮为了找到目击者一定会把这一带掀个底朝天。

    If he did , the Russians will knock down every door in this neighborhood till they find him .

  8. 片名托卡列夫原意是指前苏联名枪,在本片中则代指凯奇的对手:俄罗斯黑帮。

    The title Tokarev is intended to refer to the former Soviet Union guns , but in this film is to refer to Cage 's opponent : the Russian mafia .