
  • 网络BCD
  1. 中国即要履行WTO规则要求的削弱投资壁垒,又要有效保护民族工业,防止国有资产流失。

    It is essential for China to build up a complete system of law and rules on cross-border merger and acquisition , so as to protect national industry and to prevent the loss of national assets as well as to cut down investment barriers according to WTO rules .

  2. 改革现行绿色贸易制度,保护民族工业。

    Reform the existing Green trade system , protect national industry .

  3. 我国入世后保护民族工业的法律对策

    On Legal Countermeasures of Protecting National Industry after China 's Accession to WTO

  4. 其重点不再是保护民族工业,而是培养国际竞争力;

    The most important thing is not the protection of national industry but the cultivation of its international competitiveness ;

  5. 发展新能源汽车不仅仅是企业的逐利行为,也是国家发展和保护民族工业的需要。

    Development of new energy vehicles is not only enterprise profit behavior , also is the need of national development and protection of national industry .

  6. 随着我国近年来利用外资的增多,国内外如何合理利用外资以及如何保护民族工业等问题讨论颇多。

    With more and more foreign Capital coming into China , there are different views regarding how to use foreign capital and how to protect national industries .

  7. 政府采购是公共财政支出的重要组成部分,具有降低行政成本、强化宏观调控、保护民族工业、促进政府廉政建设等作用,而供应商选择作为政府采购的关键环节越来越为人们所重视。

    Government procurement is an important component of public financial expenditures . It can cut down the administrative cost , strengthen the macro control , protect the national industry , and promote honest and clean government construction .

  8. 其主要贡献有:统一内部市场,开辟海外市场,保护民族工业,鼓励机器、原料进口,加速资本积累,优化投资环境等等。

    Its major contributions include unifying the internal market , opening up the overseas market , protecting national industry , encouraging the import of machines and raw materials , speeding up capital accumulation and optimizing the investing environment .

  9. 标准是一个国家的主权在经济领域中的延续,标准又是一个国家实施非关税贸易壁垒的重要手段,对保护民族工业发展至关重要。

    Standard is the continuity of a country 's sovereignty in the economic field , and it is also an important means for a country to implement the non-tariff wall strategy in order to protect the national industry .

  10. 微观上提出要提高国际竞争力、大力发展科技教育、保护民族工业、防范金融风险、处理好与各国的关系等。

    Microscopically we should improve the ability of international competition , develop the education of science and technology , protect national industry , keep a lookout on financial risk and get along well with other countries and so on .

  11. 我国《政府采购法》的政策目标是:保护民族工业、促进就业、实现产业政策、保护环境、促进落后地区发展。

    The strategic objectives of China 's " Government Procurement Law " are to protect national industries , to improve employment , to undertake industrial policies , to protect environment , and to help the development of the underdeveloped areas .

  12. GPA成员政府采购保护本国民族工业制度设置研究

    A Study on Government Procurement System of GPA 's Member States within WTO Concerning the Protection of National Industry

  13. 但经济建设必须立足于国内,保护国内民族工业的发展。

    However , the economic construction must be based on domestic market to protect the national industry .

  14. 讨论了保护我国民族工业的标准化对策及其应遵循的原则。

    Standardization countermeasures and principles to protect our national industry are discussed .

  15. 保护我国民族工业的标准化对策

    Protecting Our National Industry by Standardization

  16. 运用隐性保护措施,保护民族工业;

    Protecting national industry by using hidden safeguards ;

  17. 研究日本政府保护本国工业的做法,可以为我们处理好对外开放与保护民族工业的关系提供有益的启示。

    The study of the ways the Japanese government to protect home industry will give us great inspiration in handling the relationship between open-door policy and the protection of national industry .