
  • 网络protection theory
  1. 战略性贸易政策下的关税保护理论与实证分析

    Tariff Protection Theory and Positive Analysis in St rate gie Trade Policy

  2. 试析贸易自由与贸易保护理论的分歧及其根源

    Difference and origin of free trade and trade protection theory

  3. 自然保护理论依据的历史回眸及伦理反思

    Looking Back On the Grounds of Nature Protection and Ethical Reflection

  4. 贸易自由理论和贸易保护理论并不是截然对立的,贸易自由理论中可以找到贸易保护的依据。

    The theories of trade freedom and protection are not diametrically opposed .

  5. 他的思想构成了中国文物建筑保护理论的重要部分。

    His theory became the important part of Chinese architectural conservation principles .

  6. 商标的保护理论建立在对商标的认识上。商标最初的功能在于区别商品或服务的来源,商标保护的目的也就在于避免消费者对来源的混淆。

    Distinguishing the commodity and service is the trademark 's initial function .

  7. 生态环境保护理论与实践的历史探究

    Historical Discussion of the Theory and Practice on Ecological Environment

  8. 各国(地区)互利互惠,共同发展。一般来说,先进国家赞成自由主义理论,后进国家赞成贸易保护理论。

    Each country ( district ) develops with mutual benefit .

  9. 生态保护理论创新及其现实意义

    Theory Innovation of Ecological Conservation and Its Reality Denotation

  10. 大中型异步电动机综合保护理论及实现

    Theory and practices of multiple protection for large and middle capacity asynchronous motors

  11. 有效保护理论与我国关税结构设计

    Effective Protection and Design of China 's Tariff Structure

  12. 中国传统桥梁的保护理论、政策及技术研究;

    The research of the protection theory , policy and technology of Chinese traditional bridge .

  13. 传统的贸易保护理论大都以不存在生产要素国际间流动为前提,主张对本国的幼稚产业或战略性产业进行保护。

    Conventional trade protection theory is preconditioned by the immobility of productive factors between countries .

  14. 第二章介绍了城市滨水区建设及河流保护理论的发展历史与动态。

    Chapter 2 introduces the evolution and findings of urban waterfront construction and river protection theory .

  15. 1827年,幼稚产业保护理论问世,强调了对幼稚产业的保护可以使这些产业更快成长。

    In 1827 , protectionism came into being , and emphasized onthe protection for the infantile industry .

  16. 从理论上讲,破产取回权来源于民法上的所有权保护理论。

    Theoretically speaking , the Bankruptcy Recall Right arises from the ownership protection theory of civil law .

  17. 迄今为止,投资者保护理论已经成为一套非常系统和完善的理论,并且对现实问题的解决具有很好的指导意义。

    The theory of investor protection has become very systemic and makes great sense when solving realistic problems .

  18. 在理论界,一直存在着自由主义理论与贸易保护理论之争,这两种理论的对立,实质上是先进国家与后进国家之间利益的对立。

    In the theoretical field , there has been dispute between the liberalism theory and the trade protection theory .

  19. 第七部分为原因分析。在综合理论和实证分析基础上,以新经济状态下的贸易保护理论为依据,利用相关实证模型分析日本实施绿色壁垒的深层原因。

    Based on the theoretical and empirical analysis , the paper discuss the reason of applying the green barrier .

  20. 本文共分五个部分:第一部分:商业秘密合同保护理论基础。

    This paper is divided into five parts The first part : The trade secret protection of contract theory .

  21. 而当微机保护理论与实际应用相结合时,依然存在着各式各样的问题。

    But when the theory of microcomputer protection is combined with practice , there are questions and questions still exist .

  22. 自适应式微型机距离保护理论基础的研究(Ⅱ)&自适应距离保护系统的基本问题

    A Study of Theoretical Bases of Adaptive Microprocessor-Based Distance Protection ( Part ⅱ) & Basis Problems of Adaptive Distance Protection System

  23. 贸易保护理论的终极目标是贸易自由。

    The basis of trade protection was sought in the trade freedom , and the ultimate aim of the trade protection .

  24. 通过四个时期贸易保护理论的回顾,说明了技术性贸易壁垒演化态势。

    Protectional trade theory in retrospect four periods of the protectional trade theory show the evolution trend of technical barriers to trade .

  25. 根据我国传统的商标保护理论和现行商标立法,只有注册商标才受到法律的全面保护。

    Only the Registered trade marks are legally protected according to the traditional theory of brand protection and current legislation of trade marks .

  26. 再往后就出现了幼稚产业保护理论、超贸易保护理论、新贸易保护主义、战略贸易保护主义等等。

    Then the infant industry argument for protection , the super-protectionism in trade and the new trade protectionism and so on appears in succession .

  27. 木文即是在此背景下进行研究,主要分三个部分进行阐述:第一部分简单介绍贸易保护理论及新贸易保护措施的形式及特征,尤其是金融危机背景下的新特征。

    First , the paper introduces various theories of trade protection and its new forms and features , especially the features under financial crisis .

  28. 在当今贸易全球化的大背景下自由贸易理论是主调,贸易保护理论也存在现实的市场。

    Under the globalization , the theory of free trade is the main stream while the theory of trade protection is existing in the meantime .

  29. 第一部分是消费者保护理论和金融消费者问题概述,这部分分为三节。

    The first part is the overview of the problem of consumer protection theory and of financial consumer . This part is divided into three sections .

  30. 内部控制信息披露的理论基础有多重委托代理理论、有效市场理论、投资者保护理论、信息不对称理论、信号传递理论。

    Theoretical basis of internal control information disclosure has multiple principal-agent theory , efficient market theory , investor protection theory , asymmetric information theory , signal transmission theory .