
  1. 结论保持气道通畅是预防并发症提高抢救成功率的关键。

    Conclusions To keep airway unobstructed is the key of preventing complication and increasing the ratio of successful rescue .

  2. 主要有保持气道通畅,及时准确使用抗甲状腺制剂药物,降温,防止并发症发生。

    The treatment included maintaining air-way clear , early and proper using antithyroid agents and keeping cool to prevent complications .

  3. 包括保持气道通畅、增加通气、维持正常循环、保暖、减少氧耗及复苏后的密切监护。

    Maintaining airway open , increasing ventilation and normal cycle , keeping warm and reducing oxygen consumption , close monitoring after recovery .

  4. 急救要点包括停止经口进食与鼻饲,就地抢救,保持气道通畅,维持呼吸功能,建立静脉通道与吸氧。

    Key points of first aid included : stoping taking food from mouth and nasal feed , rescuing on the spot , keeping the airway clear , maintaining respiratory function , setting up vein passage and oxygen inhalation .

  5. 结论:中度COPD的气流阻塞仅与小气道阻塞有关,缓解期的康复治疗保持气道的通畅至为重要;

    Conclusion : Airflow obstruction of moderate COPD was only related to the small airway block . During the remission duration , it was very important to retain unobstructed airway ;