
  1. 这些福利项目可以追溯到公元前122年,当时的保民官盖约·格拉古(GaiusGracchus)设立《粮食法》(lexfrumentaria),要求国家政府实现罗马公民低价购进谷物的需求。

    These entitlement programs date back to 122 B.C. , when the tribune Gaius Gracchus instituted lex frumentaria , a law that ordered Rome 's government to supply its citizens with allotments of cheaply priced grain .

  2. 保民官享有极崇高的地位,个人上高于法律。

    Tribunes enjoyed sancrosanct status and were personally above the law .

  3. 试论古罗马的保民官

    On the Tribune Plebeian of Ancient Rome

  4. 本文首先对孟子的思想政治教育理论做了概括说明,从而提出了保民而王&孟子的思想政治教育目标这一中心论点。

    Firstly , this thesis states the theory of Mencius ? ideological and political education briefly .

  5. 这种忧患意识源于周人从立国到灭商后面临的艰难处境,其中含有重要的敬德与保民思想,成为周代一切制度的出发点与宗旨之所在。

    The distress consciousness advocates virtues and the thought of protecting the populace , based on which all the laws of the Zhou Dynasty were made .

  6. 到西周,神本主义思想发生动摇,一切以“人事”为重,主要表现在奉行敬德保民思想,实行分封制、宗法制、开明专制。

    It was shown in the appearence of the idea of advocating morality and protecting people , the practice of the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system and the system of civilized autocracy .

  7. 周代的敬德保民思想中包括了三个方面的经济伦理思想内涵:一、无逸的劳动伦理观和孝养父母的生产观;

    The thought of " respecting virtues and protecting the people " of the Zhou Dynasty contains three aspects of economic ethics : ( 1 ) the ethical thought of eliminating laziness and that of supporting parents ;

  8. 在《孙子兵法》中,战争的最高目的是安国保民,孙子最卓越的理论不战而屈人之兵即是服务于这一目的的;

    In Sun Zi ' Art of War , the supreme end of war is to keep the country at peace and protect the people , and Sun Zi 's superexcellent theory , subdue the enemy without fighting , is to serve this end .

  9. 他提出“人之出,性本善”,行“仁政”、“保民”,反对诸侯混战,反对残酷的剥削和压迫,对当时各国的政治和战争多所抨击,其主要学说多收在所著《孟子》一书中。

    He assumed that man was good by nature , advocating the benevolent administration and the protection of people and objecting to the dogfight launched by various vassals and cruel exploitation and suppression . All his ideas could be found in his book Mencius .