
  • 网络Insurance Operations
  1. 对此,我国应在借鉴国外农业保险经验,并结合我国国情,探索出一条切实可行的农业保险经营之路。

    In view of this , China could learn from agricultural insurance operations of other countries , and , based on domestic market condition , explore an effective agricultural insurance operation mechanism .

  2. 我国加入WTO后,保险经营融入了国际化大环境,保险业竞争更加激烈。

    After our country joins the WTO , the insurance management integrated to internationalize great environment , the competition in insurance industry is more and more vigorous .

  3. 随机利率采用反射Brownian运动建模,通过风险函数的临界点,对保险经营中盈亏风险进行系统分析,为保险公司决策提供了方法和理论依据。

    Reflected Brownian motion is used to construct the model of random interest rate . We define the critical death rate of risk function and analyze the adventure of life insurance , hence provide the insurance company with method .

  4. 出口信用保险经营模式及中国取向研究

    Study on Export Credit Insurance Operating Mode and China 's Orientation

  5. 在现代保险经营中,保险公司的业务大体分为两类:一类是承保业务,另一类是资金运用业务。

    The businesses of insurance company include debt business and capital business .

  6. 提高农业保险经营主体积极性的政策探讨

    Discussion about Policy Support on Improving Enthusiasm of Policy-guided Agricultural Insurance Organization

  7. 出口信用保险经营模式的比较研究。

    Comparative research on managerial pattern of export credit insurance .

  8. 寿险死亡率与生命表死亡率的差额及利率的随机性均能形成保险经营中的盈亏风险。

    The above differences and randomness can form profit and loss in insurance .

  9. 保险经营中的盈亏预警系统构建方法探讨

    Researches on Building Approaches of Profit and Loss Warning System of Life Insurance

  10. 气象信息在财产保险经营中的应用

    Application of meteorological information on property insurance management

  11. 第三部分,英国健康保险经营模式对我国的启示。

    The third part , the American commercial health insurance business tactics their inspiration to China .

  12. 保险经营面临的风险及其防范

    Insurance management risks and their prevention

  13. 三是保险经营不能背离稳健经营的规律。

    Third , the sound operation of the insurance business can not deviate from its law .

  14. 这部分分析了导致保险经营风险主观原因和客观原因,包括风险意识、保险法律体系、保险市场竞争、保险资金运用和保险监管体系等方面的原因。

    Part three : An analysis for the personal and impersonal reasons caused the risks of insurance management .

  15. 外资保险经营监管可以分为市场行为监管、信息披露监管以及偿付能力监管三个大类。

    The foreign operation supervision is consisted of market behavior supervision , information disclosure supervision and solvency supervision .

  16. 其次,出口信用保险经营模式的确立是需要法律制度的支撑的。

    In addition , the establishment of export credit insurance model should be supported by the legal system .

  17. 将博弈模型的研究成果应用在保险经营监管有效性的分析中,分析保险监管的理性选择,并引出其政策含义。

    I used game model in the analysis of analysis of the effectiveness of insurance supervision . 3 .

  18. 同时,农业保险经营及实践中也暴露出许多问题,部分与政府在农业保险中的行为密切相关。

    At the same time , the agricultural insurance and practice also exposed many problems with the government .

  19. 第三部分重点研究了保险经营主要风险点的控制与防范。

    The third part : its research emphasis is on the control and prevention of main insurance management risks .

  20. 垄断导致保险经营的低效率,竞争的不充分必然带来市场规模的萎缩。

    The market competition is not enough . The low efficiency of management from monopoly must shrink the market scale .

  21. 过去的二十多年里,出口信用保险经营都是依靠国家的一些通知、条例。

    Over the past twenty years , the development of export credit insurance is depending on some notifications and regulations .

  22. 政府委托私营机构办理模式。其次透过这四种出口信用保险经营模式的差异,归纳了它们的五点共性所在。

    Secondly it concludes their five commonness through the difference in the operation modes of these four export credit insurance ;

  23. 契约保全是寿险公司防范和化解保险经营风险的关键环节。

    Contractual persistence is the key link for the Life Insurance Company to precaution and resolve the insurance operation risks .

  24. 保险经营风险包括承保风险和投资风险两方面,这两类风险在保险公司内部又都会集中体现在财务风险上。

    Management risks of a insurance company consist of insuring risks and investing risks . They embody in financial risks .

  25. 最后,针对我国农业保险经营中存在的问题提出了相关解决建议。

    Finally , aiming at the problems existing in the operation of agricultural insurance puts forward some proposals concerning the solution .

  26. 为此,本文围绕如何建立适合我国国情的政策性农业保险经营模式展开分析。

    For this purpose , this thesis is focused on the establishment of compulsory agricultural insurance system suitable for our national situation .

  27. 保险经营有其自身的特点,应遵循基本经营逻辑,按照经营规律办事。

    As insurance management has its own characteristics , it should follow the basic principles and act in accordance with management laws .

  28. 日本是当今世界上寿险产业最成熟的国家之一,保险经营的相关业技术指标也位居国际前列,可在1997-2001年间日本却有七家寿险公司相继倒闭,这在国际寿险经营史上也是罕见的。

    From 1997 to 2001 , seven Japan life assurance companies have bankrupted which is rare in the history of international life assurance .

  29. 其中投资型产品发展迅猛,使保险经营对保险投资的依赖性进一步加大。

    There into the type of investment product become swift and violent , insurance management to insurance investment of dependence become increase further .

  30. 并结合我国各个地区经济发展不平衡的现状,提出因地制宜选择农业保险经营模式。

    And in combination with each region unbalanced economic development present situation , proposed adjust measures to local conditions choose agricultural insurance business model .