
xìn xī huà
  • informationize
  1. 制造执行管理系统(ManufactureExecutionSystem)由于自身承上启下的特殊地位,已逐渐成为推动汽车制造企业信息化过程中不可缺少的部分。

    Manufacture execution system ( MES ), as a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the manufacture , is becoming more and more important in promoting informationize of automobile manufacturing .

  2. 该系统的实现为HSE风险管理提供了强有力的支持,可把危险降到最低,同时也加速了该公司的信息化建设进程。

    The System powerfully supports the HSE risk management to reduce the risk to the lowest , moreover , it accelerates the course of informationize for the company .

  3. 随着社会信息化的发展,社会不平等的原因和结构性质也发生了变化。

    As informatization progresses in society , the cause and structural nature of social inequality changes as well .

  4. 增强改革创新本领,保持锐意进取的精神风貌,善于结合实际创造性推动工作,善于运用互联网技术和信息化手段开展工作。

    We should be enterprising , work creatively in light of actual conditions , and adeptly apply information technology , including the internet , in our work .

  5. 工业和信息化部表示,我国将建设国家工业互联网大数据中心,加强对中国工业互联网公司海外上市的监管和协调。

    China will build a national data center for the industrial internet and strengthen the supervision and coordination of overseas listings of Chinese industrial internet companies , according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .

  6. 基于Linux平台的企业办公信息化系统

    Based on Linux Platform Enterprise Office Information Systems

  7. X乳品公司信息化战略研究

    X Dairy Company Information Strategic Research

  8. GIS在水利信息化中的应用

    GIS Application to Hydraulic Information

  9. 企业信息化与ERP系统

    Enterprise 's Informatization and the ERP System

  10. 烟草行业信息化&青州卷烟厂ERP案例分析

    Information Technology Application In The Tobacco Industry ── The Analysis Of Qingzhou Tobacco Company 's EPR Case

  11. 加快建设CIMS工程实现管理信息化

    Speeding up the Establishment of CIMS Project and Realizing the Management Informatization

  12. 信息化管理与ERP

    Information Management and ERP

  13. 随着Internet使用的日益普及,企业信息化进程的不断深入发展,企业网络信息资源的安全备受关注。

    Following the Internet 's popularization , enterprise information progress 's embedding , network application 's flourish developing , the security of the network information resource is especially attended by the people .

  14. 医疗卫生信息化建设需要引入CIO制度

    Health informationization development needs introducing a system of chief information officers

  15. 随着Internet的发展及信息化建设的不断推进,我国的电子政务系统建设得到了飞速发展,其安全问题也被提到了战略性的高度。

    With the development of internet and the continuous progress of informationization , the construction of China 's electronic government system roared and it 's security issues have also been mentioned on strategic height .

  16. 企业信息化和企业资产管理(EAM)

    Enterprise Informatization and Enterprise Assets Management ( EAM )

  17. 对于正在走向学习化、信息化、知识化社会的高等教育来说,WTO必然会从经济、政治、文化等方面对其产生折射作用。

    WTO will inevitably produce a " refraction " from economic , political and cultural aspects to our higher education which is a society moving towards learning , information and knowledge .

  18. 全文共分六章阐述区域溢出问题,内容涉及知识溢出、信息化设施溢出、信息化作用下的GDP溢出和自然资源溢出。

    The themes on the knowledge spillovers , the spillovers of informatization infrastructure , the GDP spillovers with informatization and the natural resource spillovers are discussed in the dissertation .

  19. 随着医院信息化建设的逐步推进和深入,医院的信息化建设已经由原来以财务为主线的收费结算系统,向临床管理信息化阶段(CIS)过渡。

    With the gradual propulsion of the construction of information-based society in the hospital , the mode has transited from finance-majored system into CIS .

  20. 伴随着信息化进程的推进及电子政务系统在我国的实施,办公自动化系统OA(OfficeAutomation)已经被国家行政机关、高校、科研院所广泛采用。

    With the development of information and the implement of electronic government affair system in our country , office automation system has been widely adopted by department , university and scientific research academy .

  21. 随着广州市大规模城市地下空间开发利用的展开,相应的地下工程属性信息、图形数据快速增加,迫切需要利用GIS技术对既具有空间分布信息、又具有大量属性信息的地下空间设施进行信息化管理。

    As the development of large-scale urban underground space utilization in Guangzhou , the attribute and graphic data of underground space projects are increasing quickly . It is necessary to manage the data using GIS technology .

  22. 企业信息化是现代企业的必由之路,在企业信息化的过程中,产品数据管理(ProductdataManagement,PDM)和企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)是其中最重要的两大企业信息管理平台。

    Enterprise informatization is an inevitable process for modern enterprise . During the process of enterprise informatization , two most important enterprise information management platforms appear , i. e. Product Data Management ( PDM ) and Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) .

  23. 国际政治生态系统是基于Agent的虚拟全球战争空间的一个重要组成部分,主要用来描述在危机形势下国家行为的演化,为信息化战争研究提供更多的辅助与支撑。

    The international politics ecology system is one of the parts of agent-based Virtual Global War Universe . It is used to show the evolution progress of nations ' behavior in the situation of crisis and give more support of the information study .

  24. 生产作业计划调度和监控是计算机集成制造和面向制造企业的ERP前端关键技术之一,在制造企业信息化建设中处于重要地位,也是目前制造业信息化建设过程中的难点和薄弱环节。

    " Production Scheduling and Supervisal " that is the key technology of CMS and ERP 's front module possesses important significance of information technology processing for manufacture project , and is difficulty and weakness too .

  25. 针对离散制造业的特点,在离散制造业ERP的基础上进行深层次制造执行系统(MES)的研究,为离散制造业生产管理信息化提供合理的解决方案。

    Being directed against the features of discrete manufacturing industry and deep research of manufacturing executive system MES based on discrete manufacturing industry adopting ERP , which provide complete solving plan for discrete manufacturing industry production management informationization .

  26. 制造执行系统(MES)作为计划管理层和底层控制层之间的桥梁,填补了两者之间的空隙,是实现企业信息化集成的关键,已成为面向车间生产管理与控制的主流技术。

    As a bridge between planned management level and bottom control level , Manufacturing Execution System ( MES ) is the key of realizing business informatization integration , and become the major technology faced to workshop production management .

  27. 由中国银监会(CBRC)以及工业和信息化部起草的另一项法规,将要求到2019年各银行70%以上的信息技术设备安全可控。

    A separate set of regulations , drafted by the China Banking Regulatory Commission and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , will require more than 70 per cent of banks ' information technology equipment to be secure and controllable by 2019 .

  28. 施工工艺信息化,提高工程质量。

    The construction process information , improve project quality . 3 .

  29. 第二章为企业信息化及电子商务应用综述;

    Second chapter for enterprise Informatization and electronic commerce application summary ;

  30. 加快信息化建设实现跨越式发展

    Speeding up the Information Construction , Realizing the Leap Type Development