
  • 网络information provision;information offer
  1. 泛非农村社区信息提供讨论会;

    Pan-African Seminar on information provision for rural communities ;

  2. 寻求满意的卫生服务是居民最根本的健康权力,寻求的途径依赖于完善的信息提供。

    Seeking the satisfactory health services is the most fundamental health of the residents , and the approach to seeking relies on faultless information provision .

  3. 我尽可能多地把相关信息提供给房东,然后回家等待那天晚上的消息。

    I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring .

  4. 这个新的会计软件非常棒,你只需要把数字敲进去,它就能一股脑地把所有信息提供给你。

    This new accounting1 software is fantastic – you just input2 the numbers and it spoon-feeds you all the information you need !

  5. 《条例》规定,市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的生物识别信息以及宗教信仰、血型、疾病和病史等其他个人信息。

    Market credit information providers will be banned from collecting information needed for biorecognition and other personal data , including religion , blood type , and medical history .

  6. 市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的收入、存款、纳税数额等信息,但是明确告知提供该信息可能产生的不利后果并取得其书面同意的除外。

    Personal income , savings , and tax records are also protected from information harvesting unless the collectors informed the clients of possible consequence and sought their written permission .

  7. 而Ontology为Web信息提供了语义表示机制,是实现语义Web的关键技术。

    Ontology provides semantic expression mechanism for Web information and is the key technology of Semantic Web .

  8. 利用nativeXML数据库可以为采用XML所表示的非结构化信息提供真正有效的存储和信息获取能力。

    Native XML database is just the one to provide the really efficient storage and retrieval ability for those unstructured information described by XML .

  9. scraper还可以从很多Web站点上搜集大量数据并将这些信息提供给用户。

    A scraper can also aggregate data from a number of Web sources and provide that information to a user .

  10. UML是用于建模的一种功能强大的语言,但是它为系统信息提供了通用的模板。

    UML is a powerful language for modeling , but it provides only a generic template of information for systems .

  11. 这个文件将为Eclipse帮助窗口左侧窗格中的分级信息提供数据。

    This file will provide the data for the hierarchical information in the left pane of the Eclipse help window .

  12. 其中,GPRS技术的应用更为人们随时随地地沟通和传递信息提供了方便。

    Due to the application of GPRS technology , communication and transmitting information anywhere is convenient for people .

  13. 不过,如下一小节所示,XML为重用来自其他XML文档的信息提供几种机制,并且每种机制适合不同的场景。

    However , as the next section shows , XML provides several mechanisms for reusing information from other XML documents , each of which is appropriate in different circumstances .

  14. AG:通过开放标准把信息提供为一种服务,我们把底层信息从业务流程中分离出来。

    AG : By providing information as a service , through open standards , we separate the underlying information from the business process .

  15. 水环境COD污染遥感模式的建立可为从遥感影像上快速、大面积获取COD信息提供了一种技术手段。

    The result shows that the establishment of identification mode based on remotely sensing provides an effective means to obtain rapidly and low-cost the concentration of COD in water environment .

  16. 该元素为策略信息提供了特定于Rampart的扩展,在本例中,给出了将用于处理密码回调的类的名称。

    This element provides Rampart-specific extensions to the policy information , in this case giving the name of a class to be used for handling password callbacks .

  17. 随着无处不在计算的发展,智能化的异构设备不断激增(如PC,笔记本,智能手机,平板电脑,PDA等),信息提供、计算,甚至系统平台都朝着面向服务的方向发展。

    With the development of ubiquitous computing , a growing number of heterogeneous smart devices continue emerging ( such as PC , laptop , smart phone , tablet PC , PDA , etc. ), information providing , computing , even platform are being services .

  18. 专用短距离通信(DSRC)技术能为车载环境下安全及娱乐信息提供实时可靠的通信,目前已成为公认的车联网通信的基本技术。

    Communications in Vehicular networks , such as Dedicated Short Range Communication ( DSRC ) technologies , are becoming a fundamental platform for providing real-time access to safety and entertainment information .

  19. 这一信息提供免费分发。

    This information is provided for free distribution .

  20. 错误、通知和确认信息提供错误或误导性的信息。

    Errors , notifiers , and confirmation messages give false or misleading information to .

  21. 互联网的出现为消费者获取产品信息提供了极大的便利条件。

    The emergence of the internet provides tremendous conveniences for consumers get information product .

  22. 这样就为下文辨别报告中的冗余信息提供了标准。

    Thus a criterion is provided for distinguishing the redundant information in the study case .

  23. 高校图书馆以其丰富的文献资源可为企业利用情报信息提供广泛的信息资源。

    The libraries of university provide extensive information resources for enterprises with their rich documentary materials .

  24. 系统研制结束后我们在所属单位作了推广使用,反映较好。为局域网采集互联网信息提供借鉴。

    We generalize the system in our respective units after for Internet information collected in the local area .

  25. 说明了数据库个性化服务给读者利用文献信息提供了一种便捷有力的手段。

    It is concluded that the personalized services of databases provide a convenient approach for researchers to search information .

  26. 光纤传感技术的出现为准确地获取路面结构受力状态信息提供了可能。

    The appearance of the Fiber Optic Sensing Technology made it possible to accurately obtain the information of pavement structure .

  27. 最后介绍了国内主要搜索引擎,为人们从因特网上更好地检索信息提供初步指南。

    Finally , the major domestic search engine for people from the Internet to better retrieval of information provided initial guidance .

  28. 建立实用的科学数据挖掘系统,为从大规模数值模拟数据中提取有价值的信息提供有效的新方法。

    Construct the utility SDM system and give a new method to mine valuable information from large-scale numerical value simulation data .

  29. 企业对门户尤其狂热,因为门户为企业的重要信息提供了一个可管理的、稳定的界面。

    Businesses especially have taken to the portal craze , since portals offer a manageable , consolidated interface to business-critical information .

  30. 澳大利亚、美国、加拿大等西方发达国家均致力于探索如何把环境危险因素与健康效应之间的关联信息提供给决策部门和公众。

    Australia , USA and Canada commits themselves to provide information about relationship between environmental hazards and health effects to decision-maker and public .