
  1. 基于XML的案例表示可以解决与同一领域不同CBR系统或其他应用系统之间的信息流重组,从而可以实现分布式的案例存储与检索,异构系统间的信息整合;

    Representing cases with XML meets the need of the integration between different CBR systems and other application systems . Thus it is easy to realize information integration , distributed case store and search .

  2. 提出企业信息流重组概念与基本思想;

    Second , the concept and basic idea of enterprise PR are proposed .

  3. 企业信息流重组研究

    The Research on Enterprise Information Reengineering

  4. 在此基础上,提出了信息流重组的基本观点,包括信息流重组的概念、特点以及与业务流程重组的关系。

    Then the basic idea of IPR is put forward , including its concept and characteristics , also the relation between PR and BPR .

  5. 第四部分是G2C电子政务信息流的优化。包括G2C电子政务信息流优化重组的标准、G2C电子政务信息流优化重组的原则G2C电子政务信息流优化的内容和方法。

    Chapter four expounds the G to C E-Government , Information - flow optimization , involving standard , principle , contents and ways of the optimization .