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  1. 据信正在进行拉锯战。

    A seesaw battle was believed under way .

  2. 19你信神只有一位;你信的不错;鬼也信,却是战惊。

    You believe that God is one . You do well ; the demons also believe and shudder .

  3. 你相信鬼鬼和恶魔吗?你有胆在一个传说中的鬼屋里呆上一宿不?19你信神只有一位;你信的不错;鬼也信,却是战惊。

    Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits ? Would you be willing to spend a night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted ? You believe that God is one . You do well ; the demons also believe and shudder .