
  • 网络credit sale;credit transaction;sale on credit
  1. 中国网络产品分销市场正在发生显著的变化,作为一家网络产品分销公司的XT计算机网络公司,为应对变化中的各种挑战,在日常业务中越来越多地使用了信用销售的方式。

    XT Company , a network products distribution company , applies more and more credit transactions in his daily business to meet the varying challenge in the network products distribution market in China .

  2. 打破信用销售怪圈

    Break the strange circle of credit transactions

  3. 随着中国加入WTO,国际国内市场的竞争进一步加剧,买方市场普遍形成,信用销售正在成为企业销售的主要手段之一。

    With China 's accession to WTO , the competition of international and domestic market intensifies fiercely ; credit has become one of the major sale measures for enterprises since the buy market has already been constructed .

  4. 应用分析型CRM(客户关系管理)系统的有关理论和方法,对企业与客户间的这种互动关系进行研究,将有助于信用销售管理目标的良好实现。

    It will help to achieve well the target of credit sale management that using theories and methods related in analytical CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) research in relation between enterprises and customers .

  5. 作者希望通过建立KN公司全程信用销售管理模式,找到实施信用风险控制的有效方法,为提高国内聚醚行业的信用销售管理水平提供帮助。

    The author hopes through setting up the whole credit management mode of KN Company , find the effective method to implement risk control of credit , offer help for the credit management level of improving domestic polyether trade .

  6. 接着分别用B-P神经网络和LVQ(学习矢量化)神经网络构建信用销售客户评价模型,并利用真实数据对其进行仿真。

    On this basis , the author discusses how to build index system . Then the author respectively uses B-P neural network and LVQ neural network to build model to evaluate the customers of credit sales and uses true data to evaluate them .

  7. 工业企业信用销售的资信评估研究

    Study on Capital Credit Assessment of Credit Selling of Industrial Enterprises

  8. 市场化背景下企业信用销售风险及其防范策略

    Credit Sale Risks of Enterprise and Its Preventive Tactics in Market-oriented Economy

  9. 信用销售(如赊销)是商业信用产生的原因。

    On the credit Credit sale ( such as account sale ) .

  10. 信用销售大大增强了企业的竞争力。

    The competitive capability of enterprises has been greatly strengthened by credit trades .

  11. 信用销售是销售的高级形式。

    Credit selling is the rop level of marketing .

  12. 我国企业信用销售困境的路径依赖研究

    The Study on Path Dependence of Credit Transaction Dilemma of the Chinese Enterprise

  13. 信用销售:提升企业竞争力的市场方略

    Credit Selling : Marketing Strategy to Improve Enterprise Competitiveness

  14. 但是,随着信用销售的增加,应收账款也会随之增加。

    However , with the increase of credit sale , accounts receivable enhance aswell .

  15. 每一时期的销售都是既有现金销售,又有信用销售。

    For every period , the sales consist of cash sales and credit sales .

  16. 信用销售成了达到这一目标的有力手段。

    Sales on credit became one of the most effective approaches to achieve the goal .

  17. 基于信息技术的信用销售管理

    Credit Sale Management Based on Information Technology

  18. 因此,对信用销售进行行之有效的管理也被书业企业提上了议事日程。

    Therefore , the enterprises in book industry put the effective credit management on their agenda .

  19. 前期的信用销售会在以后的时期形成现金流入。

    The credit sales from prior periods will result in cash receipts for the later periods .

  20. 然而,信用销售管理的最终目的是达到客户销售贡献和信用风险的综合平衡。

    However , Credit sale management ultimately aims to achieve effective balance with sale profit and credit risk .

  21. 由信用销售导致的拖欠账款成了长期困扰企业的一大顽疾。

    The " accounts receivable owed " resulted from Credit sales has become a major trouble standing business .

  22. 现金销售可以在销售当期取得现金,但信用销售则不会。

    The cash sales produce cash receipts in the current period , but the credit sales will not .

  23. 信用销售会产生应收账款管理成本,同时带来坏账损失的风险。

    Credit sales will have accounts receivable management costs , and brings the risk of loss of bad debts .

  24. 本文站在进行信用销售的企业的角度,研究了客户信用限额的设定。目前,企业主要的做法是在对客户信用进行分析的基础上,授予客户一定的信用额度。

    This thesis , from the enterprise 's perspective , discusses the way of setting up a customer credit limit .

  25. 信用销售是市场竞争的结果,加强信用管理是企业当务之急。

    Since credit sale is the result of market competition , the enhancing of credit management has become critical to enterprises .

  26. 在不利的宏观形势和更大的市场竞争压力下,国内工程机械厂商需要探索和开展新的信用销售模式。

    Under the heavy market competition pressure , domestic engineering machinery manufacturer want to explore and launch the new credit sales mode .

  27. 最后深入研究了信用销售客户评价的神经网络实现方案。

    Finally the author proudly studies the realized program of artificial neural network which has been evaluated by customers of credit sales .

  28. 信用销售扩大了企业市场占有率,增加了营销收入,但同时也带来了不小的风险。

    Although Sales on credit help enterprises with obtaining bigger market share and increasing sales income it also brings risks to the business .

  29. 在当前激烈的市场竞争条件下,采用信用销售方式和优惠的结算方式对企业来说十分重要。

    In order to meet the requirement of market competition , It is very important to apply credit business and favorite clearing form .

  30. 作为一项在信用销售方式下生成的新型综合性融资结算方式,保理业务为满足中小企业融资需求提供了新思路。

    As a new comprehensive financing and settlement method , factoring is a new suitable method to meet the financing need of the SMEs .