
xìn fēng
  • trade wind
信风 [xìn fēng]
  • [trade wind] 在赤道两边的低层大气中,北半球吹东北风,南半球吹东南风,这种风的方向很少改变

信风[xìn fēng]
  1. 南方涛动与赤道太平洋海温和信风的耦合振荡

    The coupling oscillation between the Southern Oscillation and the sea surface temperature and trade wind

  2. 热带海洋对南亚季风和太平洋信风强迫的几种响应模态

    Several Response Modes of Tropical Ocean to the Southern Asia Monsoon and the Pacific Trade Wind Forcing

  3. 绕过菲尼斯特雷角之后,这些船开始在东北信风的吹送下破浪前行。

    After rounding Cape Finisterre the boats ride the north-easterly trades .

  4. 150°E&170°W之间为季风环流与信风环流的连接区或过渡区。

    From 150 ° E to 170 ° W lies a region of joining or transition between the monsoon and trade circulation .

  5. 气候模式虽然有许多限制,不过也的确可以用来模拟许多真实世界的气候现象,例如季节、信风(tradewind)、印度季风(monsoon)等。

    Despite their limitations , climate models do capture various aspects of the real world 's climate : seasons , trade winds , monsoons and the like .

  6. 结合一些数值模拟的结果,当前的分析表明全球变暖可能通过诱发所谓的热带太平洋LaNina状SST增暖而造成海表面信风的增强。

    The present results , together with those from some recent climate model simulations , suggest that the global warming forcing may have caused an intensification of SWS in the tropical Pacific Ocean by inducing the so-called La Nina like SST trend pattern due to the ocean dynamics .

  7. 现在,信风是吹向北面的。

    Now , the trade winds are blowing north right now .

  8. 这是因为加拿大信风

    Well , it 's Canadian trade winds .

  9. 平均来说,信风圈限于离赤道(极地方向)0度的纬度带里。

    The trade wind cell is , on the average , confined to30 degrees poleward of the equator .

  10. 此外,本文还分析了南方涛动与信风的相关性。

    In addition , the correlation between southern oscillation and the trade wind over the Pacific is analysed .

  11. 但是有些人能成为鼓起我们人生的风帆并指引我们到达安全港口地信风。

    But some people can become the winds that fill our sails and the guiding light that brings us to safe harbor .

  12. 全年风场基本相似,低纬度地区(25°S以北至赤道)为信风区,常年盛行东至东南风;

    The southeast winds prevail at low latitudes ( from 25 ° S to the equator ) i.e , the trade wind zone .

  13. 有时候夏季炎热不堪,刚到八月份风势就下去了,或者六七月份信风干脆就不来了。

    Sometimes the summers were so hot when the wind dropped in August or when the trade winds sometimes failed in June and July .

  14. 1958年7月亚洲东南部西南季风区和太平洋信风区平均流场和平均经圈环流

    A comparison of mean wind field and mean meridional circulation between south-west monsoon area in South-East Asia and Pacific trade wind area in july , 1958

  15. 西太平洋地区信风的振动及其与北太平洋热带环流的关系

    The oscillation of trade wind over the Western Pacific in summer , 1976 and its relation to the general circulation of the atmosphere in the tropics

  16. 应用动力学分析和数值计算的方法讨论了热带海洋对南亚季风和太平洋信风强迫的几种响应模态。

    By using dynamical and numerical methods , several response modes of tropical ocean to the southern Asia monsoon and the Pacific trade wind forcing are discussed .

  17. 随着气候的波动,该切变带发生了短周期的南北向漂变,造成西风与东北信风交替现象。

    The short period NS drifts of the divergent latitude in response to the climatic fluctuations are responsible for the alternation of westerly winds and northeasterly trade winds .

  18. 夏季太平洋低纬地区季风环流与信风环流一种可能的连接机制

    The mechanism joining the monsoon circu-lation to the trade wind circulation over the Pacific LOW-LATITUDES during summer season the circulation in south-west area of the South China Sea

  19. 结果他发现了信风对航线的影响,并且发现全球各地的海况会随着气候而变化,因此两地之间的最佳航线也会随着时间变化。

    What he discovered were the trade winds and the notion that weather changes throughout the year and as a result the time to travel changes over time .

  20. 每两到七年,当环绕太平洋热带水域的盛行信风减弱时,就会出现厄尔尼诺现象。

    The El Nino phenomenon occurs every two to seven years , when the prevailing trade winds that circulate surface water in the tropical Pacific start to weaken .

  21. 所以从现在起,仍掉你的安全套结,从安全的港口启航,和信风一起航行,开始探险,去追求你的梦想吧!-

    So throw off the bowlines . Sail away from the safe harbor . Catch the trade winds in your sails . Explore . Dream . Discover . -

  22. 同时,结合北太平洋信风、南方涛动、南极海冰等对厄尼诺年作了一些初步的探讨。

    In addition , other elements , such as trade wind over the North pacific , Southern Oscillation Index and Antarctic sea ice , etc. , are also mentioned .

  23. 本周二世界气象组织指出,2月份以来,信风减弱了,而且太平洋中部水域表面下水温变暖显著。

    WMO pointed out Tuesday that since February , trade winds had weakened and there had been a significant warming of the waters below the surface in the central Pacific .

  24. 随着信风强度的减弱,海洋温度上升,使由东海岸流出的秘鲁洋流温度至少升高5℃。

    As the trade winds lessen in48 , the ocean temperatures rise , causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as5 ℃ .

  25. 文中还从固体地球、大气、海洋三者总角动量守恒的假定出发,讨论了地球自转减慢影响赤道洋流、信风减弱的量级及其形成厄·尼诺的物理途径。

    Its influence on the order of magnitudes of the weakening of equatorial ocean current velocity and the physical process of the formation of an El Nino event are also discussed .

  26. 结果表明:低纬积云对流作用加强了东北季风和东北信风,但阻滞了热带辐合带进一步南移。

    Numerical experiments show that : in low latitude , the cumulus convection effects can intensify the north-east monsoon wind and north-east trade wind , keep ITCZ from transferring southward further .

  27. 信风经营理念是:用心为客户着想,确保服务专业、迅捷、完美。培育核心竞争优势;为社会发展做出贡献。

    Trawind 's core operation concepts are that : we think for customers , ensure professional , quick and perfect services , foster core competitive advantages and make contribution to social development .

  28. 在信风区,由算法所带来的误差是基本变量所带来的误差的3-4倍,在赤道区,为1-2倍。

    In trade wind regions , the biases in fluxes from the biases in algorithm are about 3-4 times of the biases in the fundamental flux-related variables and 1-2 times in equatorial regions .

  29. 在大西洋和太平洋上南北信风带之间的一级和二级风带。大西洋和太平洋北部水域中商业价值很高的食用鱼。

    A belt of calms and light winds between the northern and southern trade winds of the Atlantic and Pacific . commercially important food fish of northern waters of both Atlantic and Pacific .

  30. 如果这股强大的信风继续存在,全球变暖趋势的暂停可能会在本10年的大部分时间内持续,但这篇论文警告称,一旦风力减弱,预计全球将重新迅速变暖。

    This pause could persist for much of the present decade if the strong trade winds continue , but the paper warns that once they slow down rapid warming is expected to resume .