
  1. 脱炭粉煤灰修复公路路面应用技术研究

    Study on the application of decarburized fly ash to Concrete Pavement Renovation

  2. 据报道蓝图需要花费更多的钱来修复公路和修建现代化的学校。

    The blueprint reportedly calls for spending more to fix highways and modernize schools .

  3. 8620亿美元的《复兴法案》一揽子计划已经分配了资金用于修复公路和建设高速铁路。据奥巴马政府表示,在经济低迷期间,这类措施帮助拯救或创造了300万份工作岗位。

    The $ 862bn Recovery Act package has already allocated funds for repairing roads and building high-speed rail , an effort the administration says has helped save or create 3m jobs during the downturn .

  4. 路面损坏的修复是公路养护工程的重点之一,从分析路面的主要损坏原因及形式入手,探讨养护机具的选型和配置是十分重要的。

    From analyzing the main cause and shapes of road damage , the paper discussed the choice and distribution of maintenance machinery .

  5. 路基稳定性必然会影响公路的使用质量、修复难度,及公路后期维护工程。

    The stability of the subgrade will inevitably influence on the quality and repair difficulty and later maintenance projects .

  6. 根据财政部的一份公告,这笔资金将作为地震灾区群众疏散和重新安置的费用,同时用于死亡人员家属赔偿抚恤金,以及修复重建房屋、公路、通讯网络和其他公共设施等事项。

    According to a statement from the Ministry of Finance , the money will be used for evacuation and relocation of quake-affected people , subsidies and compensation provided to the families of the deceased , repair and reconstruction of damaged houses , roads , telecommunications network and other public facilities .