
  • 网络multiplier effect;multiplicative effect;Multiplication Effect;multipactor
  1. 叠层型串联ISE的电分析化学性能与Nernst倍增效应

    Electrochemical Behavior of Multilayer ISE Connected in Series and Effect of Nernst Multiplication

  2. 通过实验结果说明了脉冲电场可以使植物产生NAI发射的倍增效应,分析了其产生的机理。

    The experimental results and mechanism are analyzed and the pulsed electric field can cause the plant to have the NAI launch multiplier effect .

  3. 采用luckyelectron模型对器件的R-V曲线进行了拟合,结果证实器件反偏微分电阻下降的主要原因是由于pn结耗尽区光生载流子的激增,碰撞电离导致的光电倍增效应所引起。

    The R-V curve of photodiode was fit by " lucky electron " model . It verifies that due to plenty of photo-generated carrier occurred in the depletion region , photocurrent multiplication induced by electron impact ionization is the primary reason of decreasing reverse-bias differential resistance .

  4. 碲镉汞探测器在高温目标下的光电倍增效应

    Effects of photocurrent multiplication in HgCdTe photodiodes at high temperature target

  5. 信息服务发展具有倍增效应。

    The development of information takes on a multiplier effect .

  6. 信息服务业发展的倍增效应

    On the Multiplier Effect of the Development of Information Service

  7. 脉冲电场介导的植物空气负离子发射的倍增效应及其意义

    Multiplier effect of pulsed electric field-mediated plant negative air ion launched and its significance

  8. 管理协同倍增效应的系统思考

    System Reflection on Double Effect of Management Synergy

  9. 半导体中的雪崩倍增效应

    Avalanche multiplication effect in semiconductors

  10. 顾客奖励计划产生市场倍增效应,市场倍增学应运而生。

    The customer incentive plan will generate market multiplication effect , and thus giving birth to the market multiplication theory .

  11. 采购是企业物流活动的重要环节,采购成本的节约对利润的影响存在着倍增效应。

    Procurement is an important link of enterprise logistics activities , and the effect of procurement cost savings influence on profit multiply exists .

  12. 微脉冲电子枪是一种利用次级电子倍增效应产生强流电子束的微波电子枪。

    The Micro-Pulse Electron Gun ( MPG ) is a new type of microwave electron gun that is based on the multipactor discharge .

  13. 城市功能扩展实质就是城市功能的优化和升级,即城市功能在内容上由单一向多元化叠加增多,在能量上呈现倍增效应,并使主导功能变异。

    Urban function extension means that content of urban function turns from less to more , its energy level rise and the key function change .

  14. 着重分析了多晶硅发射极对提高电流增益的作用和低温下集电区中性杂质碰撞电离引起的电流倍增效应。

    The contribution of polysilicon emitter to the improved current gain and the current multiplication effect caused by collision on ionization of the neutral impurities in the collector region at low temperature are both discussed in this paper .

  15. CO2和O3浓度倍增及复合效应对大豆生长和产量的影响

    Effects of Double CO_2 and O_3 on Growth and Yields in Soybean

  16. 人鼻咽癌细胞潜在性倍增时间放射效应的相关分析

    Correlation analysis of radiation effects on potential doubling time ( Tpot ) for human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells

  17. 光栅单色仪和光电倍增管的偏振效应

    Polarization Effects of Grating Monochromator and Photomultiplier Tubes

  18. 倍增噪声和饱和效应对环形激光场动力学性质的影响

    Influence of Multiplicative Noise and Saturation Effect on Dynamical Properties of a Ring Laser Field

  19. 研究了单模激光中的倍增噪声和饱和效应,导出了定态激光强度的平均值和归一化方差。

    The multiplicative noise and saturation effect in a single-mode laser are investigated and the mean and normalized variance of the steady state laser intensity are calculated .