
  1. 几年前,倪萍突然爱好起书画来了。

    A few years ago , Ni Ping suddenly interested in painting .

  2. 倪萍举办了三场画展,三场画展都轰动、都成功!

    The three exhibitions are all sensational and successful .

  3. 而随着倪萍的画作名气越来越大,她的画作,也是越来越值钱,越来越有收藏价值。

    With the growing reputation , her paintings become more and more valuable for collection .

  4. 最近,电视主持人倪萍获评“共和国脊梁”称号,招致网民的嘲讽和指责。

    " Backbone of Republic " Award , which has led to ridicules and condemnation by Chinese netizens .

  5. 一种声音系统的权力实践&从赵忠祥、倪萍、李咏谈起

    The Power Practice of a Vocal System & Beginning with Zhao Zhongxiang , Ni Ping and Li Yong

  6. 目前,倪萍在央视300多位主持人中,是“最有身价”的金牌主持人。

    Currently , Ni Ping is the " most bankable " host among the more 300 CCTV hosts .

  7. 倪萍在发布会上宣布:她将于2016年2月12日,在加拿大举办《倪萍画展》。

    In the conference , Ni Ping announced : She will held a " Ni Ping Exhibition " in Canada on February 12 , 2016 .

  8. 据介绍,本次展览旨在让加拿大及北美地区的华人华侨、外国朋友对倪萍的书画作品有全新的认识。

    According to reports , the exhibition aims to make Canada and North America oversea Chinese and foreign friends have a new understanding of Ni Ping 's paintings and calligraphy works .

  9. 据倪萍经纪人陈倩介绍,此次倪萍是第一次走出国门应邀去加拿大办书画展。

    According to Chen Qian , Ni Ping ' broker , this is the first time for Ni Ping to be invited out of the country to Canada to held a exhibition .

  10. 1月10日早间,华西都市报记者从北京获悉:2016年1月7日下午“倪萍书画展——走进加拿大温哥华中国文化中心”新闻发布会在北京隆重举行。

    January 10 morning , WCC reporter learned from the Beijing : January 7 , 2016 in the afternoon , " Ni Ping painting and calligraphy exhibition - Entering Vancouver Chinese Cultural Centre " press conference , was held in Beijing .

  11. 据了解,倪萍至今还不是中国美术协会会员,但她的画作的出卖价和拍卖价,在北京、上海、山东等地书画市场上,已经大大超过多位专业书画家的书画价码。

    It is reported that Ni Ping is not a member of the Chinese Artists Association , but the auction price and the selling price of her paintings , are greatly exceeded the price of some professional painters in Beijing , Shanghai , Shandong and other Art Market .

  12. 几年来,倪萍先后在北京、上海、山东等地举办“书画同言——倪萍写意国画作品展”,“家在山东——倪萍国画作品展”,“欢喜中国年——倪萍个人上海画展”。

    Ni Ping has conducted " painting with words - Ni Ping freehand Chinese painting exhibition , " " home in Shandong - Chinese Painting Exhibition , " " Happy Chinese lunar New Year - Ni Ping painting Shanghai Exhibition " in Beijing , Shanghai , Shandong and other places recent years .