
zhí yù
  • range;codomain
值域[zhí yù]
  1. 而在OWL中,一个值域可被用来推断一个类型。

    In OWL , a range may be used to infer a type .

  2. 本文研究了Banach空间上多重交换算子的谱和数值值域之间的关系;

    In this paper , the relation between spectra and numerical range of several operators on Banach spaces is studied .

  3. SET是一个元素的值域。

    A SET is a universe of elements .

  4. 值域为B0空间的抽象囿变函数定义

    Definitions of Abstruct Functions of Bounded Variation Having Values in B_0 Space

  5. Banach空间算子闭值域区域的正则划分

    T-regular points of Closed-range of Banach Space Operators

  6. 一般情况下,人们借助于算子A的值域R(A)和核N(A)来研究它的谱理论。

    In general , people study the spectrum of an operator by means of the kernel and range of A ( N ( A ) and R ( A ) ) .

  7. 给定冲突概率时,该流标识的比特长度可以根据一个由观察窗口和流ID值域导出的关系式求出。

    The bit length of flow ID selected under given confliction probability can be conducted from an equation deduced from the observing window and flow ID range .

  8. 提出二次剩余函数的概念,证明了素数模p任一二次剩余函数的值域都有(p+1)/2个元素。

    The article gives the concept of the quadratic residue function , and proves a theorem that the field of any quadratic residue function of prime modulus P has ( p + 1 ) / 2 elements .

  9. 引进Fuzzy关系的定义域和值域的概念,讨论Fuzzy关系的自反闭包,传递闭包和等价闭包等几种Fuzzy关系闭包,证明这些闭包的存在并给出它们的结构。

    The concepts of domain and range of Fuzzy relations are introduced . Reflexive , transitive , and equivalent closures of Fuzzy relations are discussed . Existence theorems of these closures and their structures are also given .

  10. 动态模糊逻辑(DFL)的真值域刻画

    TRENDS DYNAMIC The True Value Domain measure of Dynamic Fuzzy Logic

  11. 改进了文的结果并证明了;具有一簇可数极小不变算子值域的可迁代数在B(H)中强调。

    We have improved the results in the very paper [ 6 ] and have proved that a transitive algebra with a countable family of minimal invariant operator ranges is strongly dense in B ( H ) .

  12. Toeplitz算子值域

    Range of Toeplitz Operator

  13. WAG生成器只是一张包含表示值域的字母的表。

    The WAG generator is simply a table containing letters that represent a range of values .

  14. 设(F,φ)是一个赋值域,K是F的代数扩张,赋值理论的一个基本定理是F的赋值可以拓展为K的赋值。

    Let ( F ,φ) be a Valuated field , and K an algebraic extension of F. It is fundamental in valuation theory that the valuation of F can be prolongated to One of K.

  15. 通过给定的一种距离度量,在连续值域模糊决策系统的论域空间U上,构建了邻域,利用邻域进行了划分。

    By a given distance metric , we , on the domain space U of a continuous range of fuzzy decision system , construct neighborhood and use it to make a partition .

  16. 动态模糊逻辑(DFL)真值域谱理论及应用研究

    Research and Application on Spectral Theory of Dynamic Fuzzy Logic ( DFL ) Truth Value Domain

  17. 实验还讨论了候选区、阈值与击中值域块个数、编码时间和峰值信噪比(PSNR)间的关系。

    The relationship among the candidate region , threshold , hit range blocks , encoding time and PSNR is discussed by the experiments .

  18. 主要研究了正则算子空间上的一类格子空间,其中每一个正则算子的值域具备Dedekind完备性。

    The lattice-sub space of the regular operator space with complete Dedekind is studied .

  19. 设H1和H2是实或复域上的两个Hilbert空间,T是H1→H2具有闭值域的线性有界算子。

    Set H1 and H2 be a Hilbert spaces over the same filed , and let T : H1-H2 be a bounded linear operator with closed range .

  20. 本文提出一种用CRT显示一元列表函数图象时,根据被显示函数的定义域和值域,计算机自动进行坐标刻度的划分和标值的算法,给出了程序框图和说明。

    A method for automatically dividing and marking scale interval for coordinated axes according to domain of definition and domain of function when graphing functions on CRT is suggested .

  21. 用不动点的方法给出一类定义在区间(a,b)上,值域取在完备的Hausdorff的局部半凸空间中的矢量值积分方程的解。

    N this paper , solutions of vector-valued integral equations of a class on an interval ( a , b ) to a complete Hausdorff locally semi & convex space are presented by the fixed point method .

  22. 基于这个原因,通过将MDCT系数作为实数部分,将与其对应的MDST(modifieddiscretesinetransform)系数作为虚数部分来构造一个复值域。

    For this reason , we combining the MDCT coefficients as real part and the corresponding MDST ( modified discrete sine transform ) coefficients as the imaginary part to form a complex domain .

  23. 本文研究了正则cosine算子函数的乘积扰动性,在正则化算子C的值域不一定稠密的一般情形下,获得了若干正则cosine算子函数的乘积扰动定理。

    In this paper , we investigate multiplicative perturbation of the regularized cosine operator functions . We obtain some multiplicative perturbation theorems for the regularized cosine operator functions without the density of the range of the regularizing operator C.

  24. 用新方法研究了Banach空间中渐近非扩张映像不动点的迭代逼近问题,去掉了定义域和值域的有界性假设。

    By using a new method , some iterative approximation problems of fixed points for asymptotically nonexpansive mapping in Banach spaces were studied , and the boundedness assumption of domain and range was droped .

  25. 设f是紧致不带边流形M上的覆盖映射,证明了f是拟双曲覆盖映射的充分必要条件是(I-f*)为单射且有闭值域。

    Let f be a covering mapping of a compact manifold M without boundary . It is shown that the necessary and sufficient condition of the quasi-hyperbolic covering mapping of f is that ( I-f ) is injective and has closed range .

  26. 应用案例描述的通用形式(没有严格的属性值域),在CBR系统中提出了一种模糊相似性评估方法,并建立了模糊案例相似性评估模型和通用算法;

    Proposes a fuzzy similarity estimation method with the common form of case representation ( without rigid properties range ) in the CBR system and establishes the fuzzy similarity estimation model and general arithmetic ;

  27. 单调映射之和的值域与Urysohn型非线性积分方程

    On the range of sum of monotone mappings and nonlinear integral equations of Urysohn type

  28. 由Delong图计算所得的铁素体数量(FN)处于1.2~5.5值域。FN在这一值域的变化对该种高锰易切削不锈钢的抗热裂性无可见影响。

    Ferrite number calculated by Delong diagram in the range of 1.2 to 5.5 showed to detectable influence on hot cracking resistance in the high manganese free machining stainless steels .

  29. 本文在自反Banach空间中,对于闭稠定且值域为超平面的线性算子A,利用Banach空间几何方法,给出其度量广义逆A+的一般表达式。

    In this paper , the representation for the metric generalized inverse of dosed linear operator with dense domain and hyperplane range in reflexive Banach space is given by means of the method of Geometry of Banach spaces .

  30. 利用MPI提供的库函数,提出了基于MPI的分形图像压缩并行化算法,将图像的定义域块和值域块的搜索匹配过程分配给多台处理器同时执行。

    Uses MPI function and proposes a fractal image compression parallel algorithm based on MPI . Assign the search and match process of domain blocks and range blocks of the image to several processors for executing .