
jiǎ hù zhào
  • Fake passport;counterfeit passport
假护照[jiǎ hù zhào]
  1. 埃文斯正试图取得一本假护照和其他证件。

    Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents

  2. 他用一个假护照在这里干秘密工作。

    He was here on some secret errand with a false passport .

  3. 朱检察官当时正在车站检查一张假护照。

    Inspector Zhu was examining a fake passport at the station .

  4. 他在国外可能用的是假护照。

    He may be abroad , traveling on a false passport .

  5. 给木偶店的老板看假护照。

    Show your fake passport to the merchant in the puppet shop .

  6. 他在里士满国际机场用了一个巴基斯坦的假护照。

    Using a forged Pakistani passport via Richmond international airport .

  7. 肯出高价的话可以弄到假护照。

    Forged passports are available , at a price .

  8. 他可以使用一张假护照。

    He 'll be traveling on a false passport .

  9. 她用假护照出国。

    She went abroad with a false passport .

  10. 他曾夸口说,他曾凭假护照闯进美国。

    He boasted that he had crashed the United States with a phony passport .

  11. 他持一本假护照旅行。

    He is traveling on a fake passport .

  12. 我不是告诉你她用的假护照吗?

    Didn 't I report the false passport ?

  13. 她的父母用假护照入日本后生下了她。

    She was born in Japan after her parents used fake passports to enter the country .

  14. 她用假护照坐上火车,穿过俄罗斯和罗马尼亚,最后到了法国。

    She travelled by train through Russia , Romania and then France , with a fake passport .

  15. 暗杀小组的许多成员携带的假护照是伪造自那些从欧洲到以色列的移民的。

    Many of the hit squad members carried forge passports of people who had emigrated from Europe to Israel .

  16. 持用假护照或无有效签证,在沪非法居留。

    The offenders have played tricks to defraud money and used fake passports or invalid visas to reside in Shanghai .

  17. 许多来自有安全但相对贫穷的第三世界国家,他们通常每人要付给蛇头高达5万美金的假护照和机票费用。

    Many come from safe , but less generous , third countries , often paying people-smugglers up to $ 50000 each for false passports and airline tickets .