
  • 网络bias resistor
  1. 讨论LED的偏置电阻和发光亮度对LED背光源亮度均匀性的影响。

    Discuss the impact on LED brightness uniformity from bias resistor and brightness in this paper .

  2. 选定FET集成开关,研究其在短波频段线性恶化的原因,通过增大偏置电阻抑制短波频段线性恶化。

    Select the FET switch , and analyze the reasons for the linearity worsening in short-wave band , improve linearity by increasing the bias resistor .

  3. 偏置电阻R、约束网络神经元的惩罚系数α影响求解精度,但在工程上没有必要对R,C,β,α等进行严格的限制。

    However , it is no necessary to constrain the R , C , β, strictly when it is applied to engineering .

  4. 如将其值的一半接到5V电源做上拉电阻,将另外的一半拉接到地做下拉电阻,则各个节点的两边偏置电阻最大总共为685Ω。

    Placing half of this value as a pullup to5V and half as a pulldown to ground gives a maximum bias resistor value of685 Ω for each of the two biasing resistors .

  5. 模拟了基极偏置电阻对功率放大器参数的影响。

    The effect of base bias resistors on the parameters of PA ( power amplifier ) was simulated .

  6. 偏置电阻的值取决于终端电阻的大小及系统的节点数。

    The value of the bias resistors is dependent on termination and number of nodes in the system .

  7. 在场的情况下阴极偏置电阻和旁路电容不能说明A类作业。

    The presence of a cathode bias resistor and bypass capacitor is not an indication of class A operation .

  8. 否则,传感器电容和放大器的输入偏置电流电阻,对仪表放大器的信号施加相位偏移。

    Otherwise , the sensor 's capacitance and the amplifier 's input-bias-current resistors impose a phase shift on the signal you apply to the instrumentation amplifier .

  9. 偏置系统确保电阻保持稳定一致,不受高度、冲击或振动的影响。

    The bias system ensures the resistance remains stable and consistent , irrespective of height , shock , or vibration .

  10. 数模转换器的内部电路由基准放大器、电流开关网络、偏置网络和精密电阻网络构成,属于模拟电路。

    The DAC consists of reference amplifier , current switch , bias network and precision resistance network , so it is analog circuit .

  11. 通过大量的模拟数据得出结果,偏置电流、并联电阻的提高及连接电感、临界电流的减小会使传输时间缩短等一系列的结论,为下一步设计时钟分布网络提供了翔实可靠的数据依据。

    The results that increasing of bias current and shunted resistance and lowing critical current and connected inductance can decrease the transmission time are shown ;

  12. 通过改变模型中入射光强度和频率、反向偏置电压、负载电阻和分布电容的设置,分析了电路中输出电流、输出电压和死时间的变化情况。

    The output current , output voltage and dead time were analyzed with respect to the change of incident light intensity and frequency , reverse bias voltage , load resistance and parasitic capacitance .