
  1. 经营方针:做人做事,信守承诺,求真务实!

    Operating principles : how to get , keep their promises , realistic !

  2. 做人做事要守承诺,遇到挫折不要气馁。

    We must keep our promises and not to give up when facing obstacles .

  3. 学习让我们学会了如何在社会上做人做事。

    By study we learn how to behave and what to do in the society .

  4. 所以做人做事要量力而行。要保持野心但并不是说我们的人生中不需要保守。

    So to keep ambitions in life is not to say we do not need conservative .

  5. 所以在服装行业中,只求能找一个可以认真做人做事的地方。

    So in the clothing industry , only to find a place to work seriously in life .

  6. 其一,这就需要社会每位成员都要有公正的思想指导自己做人做事。

    First , it requires each member in the society to behave under the guideline of fairness .

  7. 我们常说做人做事要有一颗平常心。

    We often say that we should have a normal attitude whoever we are and whatever we do .

  8. 总而言之,做人做事,三思而后行,就可以避免很多不必要的烦恼,特别是在网络的世界里。

    Altogether , we should look before we leap , then we can sidewalk a lot of unnecessary troubles , especially in the cyber world .

  9. 赏识教育,是一种从正面积极引导调动学生学习、生活、做人做事热情的方法模式。

    Appreciating Education is a kind of teaching method , which tries to guide the students of their way of learning , living and their passion in social life .

  10. 文章在侧重论述人文精神的基础上,从文化素质教育的基础性作用,帮助学会做人做事和人文知识的作用等方面论证了文化素质教育是加强素质教育的基础。

    This article focuses on humane spirits and then proves from the aspect of fundamental functions of cultural-level education and humane knowledge that cultural-level education is the basis of strengthening quality education .

  11. 不知怎的,我的年纪越大,我越觉得他象薛宝钗,虽然宝玉不喜欢,但是平日里做人做事口碑极好,无懈可击。

    But for one reason or another , my older , the more I feel that as he scolded , although Baoyu dislike , but on the excellent reputation of doing things , impeccable .

  12. 一方面,这种制约会引导人们严格按照社会的规范来做人做事,另一方面,这种制约有时候也会成为一种障碍,影响到村民的决策。

    On the one hand , this restriction would guide people in strict accordance with the social norms to the person to work , On the other hand , this restriction sometimes also can become an obstacle , affect the villagers ' decisions . 2 .

  13. 诚实做人诚信做事是我的根本!

    Honesty and integrity to do in life is my fundamental !

  14. 人文精神,精神文化,以人为本,做人与做事。

    Human Spirit , Spiritual and cultural , People-oriented , Life and work .

  15. 了解我们做人和做事的风格。

    Understand our human and working style .

  16. 从来没有想过可以从一种生产模式中学到真正的做人、做事的标准。

    I have never heard such things that we can learn real life and work standard from a production model .

  17. 以道德建设为基础,培养以追求真理为目标的无私利性学术道德;以提升学者人格为根本,提倡做人、做事、做学问相一致。

    Academic morals should be taken as the foundation in the personality training to advocate the consistency of quality , action and research .

  18. 从人文教育可以唤醒个人自觉,帮助我们学会做人、做事,凝聚民族精神,为科技、经济和社会发展进行人文设计,以及对政治制度具有导向等方面,论述了人文素质教育的战略价值。

    This paper deals with the strategic value of humanities quality education by analyzing its impact on people , nation , and social development .

  19. 公司自组建以来,秉承“诚信做人严谨做事合作共赢”的企业理念,热诚的为顾客服务。

    Since the formation of the company , adhering to the " win-win cooperation integrity of rigorous work life " business philosophy , dedicated to customer service .

  20. 大学生人文精神的核心内涵是做人与做事,做人、做事是人性、人格的折射,是贯穿人生始终的线索。

    Students humanistic spirit is the core substance of life and work , be a man , work is human nature and personality of refraction , is run through life always leads .

  21. 要求学生既要学习、掌握知识和技能,又要注重将知识内化为做人和做事的本领,最终升华为创新能力。

    Require students want to learn already , knowledge and skills , but also emphasize knowledge " internalization " for the person do and the skill that ultimately " sublimation " for innovation ability .

  22. 我们的准则:诚信做人,扎实做事!

    Our rules : Being faithful person , doing credible work .

  23. 我司追求“本色做人,出色做事”的企业文化。

    We pursue " ecru personhood , outstanding work " enterprise culture .

  24. 低调做人,高效做事,是我对自己的一个标准!

    Low-key man , and efficient to do things that I own a standard !

  25. 公司本着诚信做人,用心做事的原则,与一些零售,外贸公司达成了合作关系。

    Our company has reached a cooperative relationship with some retailers and foreign trade companies .

  26. 人们应该学会做人,学会做事,学会共同生活以及学会学习。

    People should learn how to be , how to do , how to live together and how to learn .

  27. 先做人、后做事,先求强,后求大,先谋事,后谋利,先借梯,后登楼;

    Before and after work , first , too , come first , after the first profit , after borrowing ladder on floor ;

  28. 人在年轻的时候发奋图强,埋头苦干;在中年的时候踏踏实实做人,兢兢业业做事。

    In a young man worked hard and work hard ; in middle age , when a down-man , cautious and conscientious work .

  29. “做人精诚、做事精进,和谐实现双赢”是建华公司的经营理念和服务宗旨。

    " Be super sincere man , Do super improving things , Realize the mutual benefit in harmony " is Jianhua 's operation principle and service tenet .

  30. 小学生的养成教育是素质教育的一个重要方面,就是要使学生懂得如何做人,如何做事和如何思维。

    Elementary education is formed an important aspect of quality education , is to make the students know how to behave , how to do things and how thinking .