首页 / 词典 / good

  • healthy;strong;well-set
  • strengthen;toughen;invigorate;be strong in
  • 强壮,身体好:~康。~全。康~。稳~。~美。~身。~旺。~在。~壮。~朗。保~。

  • 善于,精力旺盛:~步如飞。~谈。


(强健) healthy; strong; well-set:

  • 稳健

    firm; steady; sane;

  • 康健

    healthy; in good health


(使强健) strengthen; toughen; invigorate:

  • 健脾

    invigorate the function of the spleen;

  • 健胃

    be good for the stomach


(在某一方面显示的程度超过一般; 善于) be strong in; be good at:

  • 健谈

    be a good talker


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 健武

    Jian Wu

  1. Person相关分析显示:健商分别与身体活动时间和代谢当量之间存在正相关关系。

    Person analysis shows : healthy body , and the activities of time and metabolic that exists between between .

  2. 这是我写的一个AD转换的程序,有按健,有显示。

    This is the one I wrote AD conversion procedures , according to the healthy showing .

  3. 他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强。

    His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose .

  4. 她身强体健。

    She 's in blooming health .

  5. 胰凝乳蛋白酶分解胃蛋白酶所分解的同一类肽健。

    Chymotrypsin attacks the same peptide bonds that pepsin does .

  6. 倒是汪太太谈锋甚健,向刘小姐问长问短

    It was rather Mrs. Wang who led the conversation , plying Miss Liu with questions .

  7. 并为XML文档保持健约束的更新奠定了基础。

    It is the base for key constraint - preserving XML updating .

  8. 健侧C7神经移位修复臂丛神经根干部损伤的改良术式

    Modified procedure of contralateral C_7 transfer for repair of roots and trunks injuries of brachial plexus

  9. 基于负载变化健控理论的线圈耦合系数k的测定

    Survey of coupling coefficient K of coil on the base of Load-Shift Keying theory

  10. B角患侧平均为73.7°,健侧平均72.8°;

    X-ray examinations revealed an average 73.7 degrees of Baumann angle on the injured and 72.8 on uninjured side .

  11. 改良的尺神经桥接健侧C7治疗臂丛神经撕脱伤

    Modified procedure of ipsilateral ulnar nerve graft for bridging the contralateral C_7 in treatment of brachial plexus root avulsion injury

  12. B组细胞主要聚集在梗塞中心移植区域,也有大量细胞存活,充填梗塞区,少量细胞可穿过胼胝体向健侧迁移;

    Many NSCs could live , pass through the ventricular membrane and migrate to the ischemia region in group A ;

  13. 方法对18例先天性单侧髋脱位患儿作CT检查,比较其患侧与健侧的髋臼前倾角;

    Methods Acetabular anteversion was measured by computed tomography ( CT ) in 18 patients with unilateral hip dysplasia .

  14. PD大鼠健侧纹状体多巴胺能系统的功能性改变

    The functional changes of striatal dopaminergic system in non-lesioned sides of Parkinsonian rats

  15. 结果:患侧面神经运动传导潜伏期延长、波幅降低,与健侧相比差异有极显著性(P<0.01),同时干扰型减弱。

    The results showed that there was a significant difference in latent period and wave amplitude between the involved side and the uninvolved ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  16. 结论用MTT法观察补肾健骨汤载药血清对大鼠成骨细胞增殖有明显促进作用。

    Conclusion Bushen Jiangu decoction promotes rat osteoblast proliferation , which can be detected by MTT method .

  17. 这些结果进一步表明抗癌中草药靛玉红通过插入到DNA的双螺旋链中以及与带负电荷的磷酸骨架通过静电或生成氢健来干扰DNA的合成,从而达到了抗肿瘤的效果。

    The results indicate that the herbal drug indirubin can interfere with the DNA by intercalating into the double helix of DNA and interacting with the phosphate groups of DNA .

  18. 结论CT测量法是临床测定股骨扭转角确实可靠的方法,临床上健侧的扭转角可作为参考依据。

    Conclusion CT method is an accurate and reliable method to measure the femoral torsion angle . Torsion angle in normal side is regard to a reference value in clinic .

  19. 健侧顶叶皮层参与卒中急性期脑功能重组:fMRI研究

    Evidence for Involvement of Unaffected Parietal Cortex in Brain Reorganization from Acute Stroke : A fMRI Study

  20. 结果健心颗粒可以降低SHR大鼠MF、血浆中AngⅡ及ANP、BNP水平。

    Results : JG could decrease MF in SHR , drop plasma Ang ⅱ , ANP and BNP .

  21. 实验性肝损伤实验中,疗尔健组ALT、ALP显著低于对照组。

    The ALT and ALP of the Hepadif were lower than the control one in the experimental liver damaged experiment .

  22. IGF-1治疗组修复的损伤骨骼肌,其最大颤搐张力和断裂强度均明显高于健侧。

    The maximal tetanic tension and failure load in group IGF-1 were recovered even greater than that in normal .

  23. 健商(HQ)是21世纪人类全新的健康理念。

    " Health quotient "( HQ ) in the new health notion in the 21st century .

  24. 卒中患者健侧大脑半球rTMS的假刺激控制试验

    A sham stimulation-controlled trial of rTMS of the unaffected hemisphere in stroke patients

  25. 健择是30年来美国FDA首次批准的用于治疗晚期胰腺癌的有效药物。

    Gemzar is the first drug approved by the FDA in more than 30 years for the treatment of patients with advanced pancreatic carcinoma .

  26. 健肢组:在病人健康对侧的相对应位置测量尺神经的厚度和CSA。

    Healthy extremity group : Corresponds the position in the patient healthy opposite side to measure the gauge rule nerve thickness and CSA .

  27. 健侧颈7移位模型:术后3个月,患肢正中神经代表区在双侧MI均未出现。

    In the contralateral C7 transfer group the median nerve representation region of the affected forelimb did not appear in bilateral MI at 3 months .

  28. 黑胚粒中Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu的含量有的品种高于健粒,有的品种低于健粒。

    The content of Fe , Mn , Zn and Cu in black embryo grains exceeds that in healthy grains , and some of them are lower than that in healthy grains .

  29. 回收产物进行T-A克隆,健株与病株分别随机挑取了229228个阳性克隆子,进行PCR检测。

    For T-A cloning , healthy plants and diseased plants randomly picked up 229 , 228 positive clones were carried out by PCR .

  30. 结论单次TENS治疗可以改善脑卒中患者患侧和健侧半球的rCBF,推测对脑卒中患者的功能改善具有积极的促进作用。

    Conclusion : Sixty minutes of TENS treatment tended to improve rCBF in both the affected and unaffected hemispheres of subjects with first ever stroke .