
  • 网络Health promoting school;Health Promotion Schools
  1. 开展健康促进学校项目对小学生营养KAP的影响效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of the Health Promoting School Program Based on Nutrition to Primary School Students

  2. 目的评价开展健康促进学校项目对小学生营养知识、态度、行为(KAP)影响效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of he health promoting school program to primary school student 's nutrition knowledge , attitude and practice ( KAP ) .

  3. 运用健康促进学校模式开展学生营养干预

    The Application of Health Promotion School Framework in School Nutrition Intervention

  4. 健康促进学校干预模式对学校和家庭控烟环境的影响

    Environmental Impact of School-based Smoking Prevention on School and Family

  5. 吉林省四所学校创建健康促进学校项目效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of project of health-promoting school in four schools of Jilin Province

  6. 江苏省健康促进学校学生健康相关知识及行为调查

    Investigation on health knowledge and behavior among students of health-promotion schools in Jiangsu

  7. 健康促进学校预防和控制初中生吸烟的过程评估

    Process evaluation on a health promotion model regarding smoking prevention among Chinese secondary school students

  8. 政府的支持,部门的合作是创建健康促进学校的必要条件。

    The support of government and cooperation of sections are necessary to developing health - promoting school .

  9. 对健康促进学校的研究与实践

    Health Promotes School-Research and Practice

  10. 厦门市健康促进学校控制儿童肥胖项目效果评价

    Effectiveness of Project on Taking Obesity Control as Entry Point of Health Promoting School in Xiamen , Fujian

  11. 健康促进学校模式

    Models of Health-promoting School

  12. 目的:逐步探索适合农村特点的创建农村健康促进学校的工作模式和方法。

    Objective : To explore appropriate models and methods for developing health - promoting schools in rural areas of China .

  13. 中国/世界卫生组织以预防烟草使用为切入点发展健康促进学校项目效果评价

    Effectiveness Evaluation of the China / WHO Project Development of Health-Promoting Schools with Tobacco Use Prevention as an Entry Point

  14. 结论:在农村以合作项目为契机,建立健康促进学校具有可行性;

    Conclusions : It seems feasible that developing health - promoting schools in rural areas taking cooperative project as entry point .

  15. [目的]通过以肥胖控制为切入点发展健康促进学校模式,逐步摸索出适合国情的预防控制儿童肥胖的途径和方法。

    [ Objective ] To develop an effective way by means of obesity control to establish health promoting school ( HPS ) .

  16. 目的对健康促进学校预防和控制初中生吸烟的干预措施进行过程评估。

    Objective To evaluate the process of smoking prevention and control among Chinese adolescent with a model on health promotion in junior high school .

  17. 目的了解健康促进学校模式预防和控制青少年吸烟对学校和家庭环境的影响,为评价干预效果提供参考。

    Objective To evaluate the environmental effect ( school and family ) of smoking prevention among Chinese adolescents with the model of health promotion school .

  18. 结论开展健康促进学校有效提高农村小学生预防伤害的健康促进与综合干预效果,值得推广。

    Conclusion It is necessary to develop HPS on prevention of injury in rural primary school students with varied intervention activities , which is worthy of popularizing .

  19. 第三部分深入分析和评价了澳大利亚昆士兰州健康促进学校工作模式的成因和特点,以及存在的问题。

    Part three analyzes and appraises the cause of formation and the features of " the Health Promoting School " working model of Queensland , and points out its problem .

  20. 在世界卫生组织西太平洋地区,澳大利亚的昆士兰州在推进和发展健康促进学校方面作了大量的工作,积累了丰富的经验并取得了骄人的成绩。

    In the west Pacific area of WHO , the Queensland state of Australia has done a great deal of successful work in developing " the Health Promoting School " .

  21. 健康促进学校工作已经不仅仅是其学校健康教育的方法和手段,而是成为一种理论体系和工作模式。

    In Queensland , " the Health Promoting School " has not only been a method of school health education , but also become a theory system and a working model .

  22. 第二部分对澳大利亚昆士兰州健康促进学校工作模式的宗旨与文本的构成进行述评,详细介绍其历史沿革、工作宗旨和指导原则、内容框架和工作方法、实施过程和效果、评价机制的确立。

    Part two detailedly describes " the Health Promoting School " working model of Queensland , which includes its history background , guidance and text , content , implementation , effect and assessment .

  23. 后记部分在论述和分析我国健康促进学校现状和存在问题的基础上,根据澳大利亚昆士兰州健康促进学校工作模式的经验启示,尝试提出我国发展健康促进学校的几个基本设想和改革建议。

    Postscript describes the realities and problems of " the Health Promoting School " of our country , and tries to put forward several advices based on the experience of " the Health Promoting School " working model of Queensland .

  24. 健康促进在学校结核病控制中的成本效果分析

    Cost-effectiveness of Health Promotion on Control of Tuberculosis among College Students

  25. “健康促进应从学校开始”。

    " The school should be the starting point for health promotion ," Thakur says .

  26. 以健康为理念促进学校体育改革

    Health Concept and Physical Education Reform

  27. 目的提高学生预防烟草使用的知识、信念,使其掌握有关技能,进而改变吸烟等不健康行为;创建健康促进学校并评价项目效果。

    Objective Improve Students ' knowledge , belief and behavior of tobacco use prevention , make them master corresponding skills and then change their unhealthy behavior such as smoking Develop health promoting schools and evaluate the effects of the project .

  28. 目的评估南京、深圳和温州部分健康促进中学创建1a后学生健康相关知识、态度、行为,以便指导当地健康促进学校的创建工作。

    Objective To evaluate students ' knowledge , attitudes and practice related to health one-year after health-promoting school ( HPS ) construction in Wenzhou , Shenzhen and Nanjing , and to direct their health promoting construction work .