
tōu dù
  • Stowaway;people trafficking;steal into another country;secretly ferry
偷渡 [tōu dù]
  • (1) [secretly ferry]∶秘密地渡过某一水域

  • 星夜偷渡

  • (2) [steal into another country]∶偷越关隘或国境

  • 偷渡出境

偷渡[tōu dù]
  1. 我们把偷渡入境的外国人驱逐出境

    We deport aliens who slip across our borders .

  2. 一本正经的边境和海关官员仔细检查文件,在车厢里搜索偷渡者和走私货物

    Officious immigration and customs officers scrutinised documents and searched cabins for stowaways or illicit goods .

  3. 但是,楚国人却仍然按照白天做的标记偷渡,结果淹死了一千多人。

    yet the Chu army still tried to stealthily cross the river 1000 soldiers were drowned .

  4. 把iPhone当作盔甲无疑要比之前被捕的偷渡者的方法好闻多了——那个家伙把机器藏在了内裤里。

    The body armor approach may be a decidedly less smelly method than what was employed by another recently caught Chinese iPhone smuggler . That man was caught wearing the devices in his underwear .

  5. 希德的姥姥(Sid'sgrandmother):她在不小心偷渡上船、与Manny一行人出海后,就成为整个冒险不可或缺的一部分。

    Sid 's grandmother becomes a lage part of the adventure after accidentallystowing away on the barge with Manny and the gang as they head out to sea .

  6. 难民拥护者PhilGlendenning表示,阿富汗暴力的增加是最近偷渡人数增加的主要原因。

    Refugee advocate Phil Glendenning thinks that a surge in violence in Afghanistan may well be responsible for the recent increase .

  7. Ismay(泰坦尼克号的建造公司白星公司的高管)所坐的救生船上就藏着四个中国的偷渡客。

    Ismay shared his lifeboat with four Chinese stowaways who had been hiding beneath the cover .

  8. 然而,Curr称,尽管船只在海上航行非常危险,这些措施还不足以制止目前的偷渡高峰。

    However , Curr says this will not be enough to stop the current wave of boat people despite the s of barely vessels .

  9. Curr说,尽管提出了警告,除非亚洲中部和中东部的生活改善,印度尼西亚和马来西亚这样的国度政府能够严肃对待这个问题,否则偷渡前往澳大利亚的人数不可能减少。

    Curr says despite those warnings , until life in Central Asia and the Middle East improves , and governments in transit countries like Indonesia and Malaysia firmly grasp the issue , the flow into Australia is unlikely to

  10. 全球化趋势下中国反偷渡问题研究

    A Study on China 's Anti - stowaway Issues under Globalization

  11. 把我们的偷渡者带到这里来。

    And pick up our stowaways and bring them up here .

  12. 福建沿海地区偷渡现象探析

    Research on Illegal Emigration in the Coastal Areas of Fujian Province

  13. 福州空港口岸偷渡遣返人员梅毒监测结果分析

    Analysis on Syphilis Serology among the Repatriated Stowaways at Fuzhou Airport

  14. 你可能把它落在偷渡者酒吧了

    Oh , I think you left it at the Blowaway .

  15. 我知道偷渡者酒吧还没重新营业

    Look , I know the Stowaway 's not open yet ,

  16. 我爸爸六年前就保不住偷渡者酒吧了

    my dad would 've lost the Stowaway six years ago .

  17. 我要去偷渡者酒吧帮德克兰

    I 'm going to go help Declan at the Stowaway .

  18. 在德克兰葬礼之后他把偷渡者酒吧关掉

    After Declan 's funeral , he packed up the Stowaway

  19. 所有的人都以为她们是自己偷渡的,但其实是我们安排的。

    Everyone thought they stowed away themselves , but it was us .

  20. 侦办偷渡案件时围绕陈(供)述收集证据的方法

    On Methods of Collecting Proofs in Statements ( Confessions ) of Stowaways

  21. 偷渡美国途中翻船,福建数十人丧生。

    Boat capsize kills dozens of stowaways enroute to US .

  22. 昨天我开车去偷渡者酒吧看她

    And yesterday I drove out to the stowaway to see her ,

  23. 我们乘同一艘集装箱运货船偷渡过来

    We came over on the same container ship together .

  24. 他们买通边防警卫,偷渡国境。

    The crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards .

  25. 向美国偷渡外国人成为一宗大生意。

    Smuggling illegal aliens into the United States has become big business .

  26. 我知道你们想要偷渡者酒吧的原�

    I know why you think you want the Stowaway .

  27. 我去偷渡者酒吧搜了他的公寓

    I went to the Stowaway to search his apartment .

  28. 满月的光线会招来更多的木筏偷渡。

    More rafters come when there 's extra light from the full moon .

  29. 偷渡者酒吧是本地珍宝

    The Stowaway is more of a local treasure .

  30. 我试图做跨文化的偷渡者

    I 'm trying to be a Cross Cultural Stowaway