
cuī huà fǎn yìnɡ
  • catalytic reaction
  1. 维生素C对酪氨酸酶催化反应的影响

    The effect of vitamin C on tyrosinase catalytic reaction

  2. 青霉素酰化酶及其突变体的pH依赖性催化反应

    The pH-dependent Catalytic Reaction of Penicillin G Acylase and Its Mutants

  3. 人们早已知道,如果材料的表面积足够大,可引起催化反应。

    It had been known for some time that chemical reactions can be catalyzed by materials with large surface areas

  4. 超临界CO2流体对纤维素酶催化反应的影响

    Effect of Supercritical CO _ 2 to Cellulase Reaction

  5. 超临界CO2与环氧丙烷和甲醇催化反应体系研究

    A study on catalytic reaction systems of supercritical carbon dioxide , methanol and propylene oxide

  6. 金复合介孔SBA-15吸附血红蛋白在H2O2电催化反应中的应用

    Adsorption of Hemoglobin on Au-modified Mesoporous SBA-15 and Application in Electrocatalysis of H_2O_2 Solution

  7. TiO2光催化反应及其在废水处理中的应用

    TiO 2 Based Photocatalysis and Its Applications for Waste Water Treatment

  8. 该催化反应对Rh(Ⅲ)和甲基蓝分别为一级反应。

    The catalytic reaction was first-order for both Rh (ⅲ) and methyl blue .

  9. 酶催化反应的最佳pH和表观活化能分别是7.1和31.1kJmol~(-1)。

    The optimum pH and apparent activation energy of enzyme-catalyzed reaction are 7.1 and 31.1 kJ mol ~ ( - 1 ), respectively .

  10. 非氧条件下CH4选择还原NO催化反应的性能

    Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by Methane without Oxygen

  11. GS的胞外催化反应受各种反应条件和因素的影响。

    The GS extracellular catalysis is regulated by a few conditions and factors .

  12. 用蒙特卡罗方法模拟研究了单晶表面上CO-N2O的催化反应。

    The catalytic reaction of CO-N 2O over single crystal has been studied by Monte Carlo simulation .

  13. 手性(salen)Co在不对称催化反应和天然产物合成中的应用

    Application of Chiral ( salen ) Co in Catalytic Asymmetric Reaction and Natural Product Syntheses

  14. NaF抑制精氨酸酶催化反应的热动力学研究

    Thermokinetic Study on the Inhibition Against Arginase Catalyzed Reaction by NaF

  15. TiO2/SiO2复合半导体对庚烯/二氧化硫光催化反应的研究

    The Studies of Photocatalytic Degradation of Heptene / Sulfur Dioxide on TiO_2 / SiO_2 Compound Semiconductor Photocatalyst

  16. 采用微型催化反应器对C4馏份选择加氢的主要工艺条件进行了试验。

    The main process conditions of the selective hydrogenation were examined using a micro catalytic reactor .

  17. Fe2+的加入利于光催化反应;2h光催化含氨氮和亚硝基氮的水样,总脱氮率达到了63.9%。

    H photocatalytic reaction reduced the total nitrogen by 63.9 % for water samples with both ammonia and nitrite .

  18. 运用不对称活化策略,一个光学活性的或者甚至外消旋的催化剂可以被另一种手性活化剂(chiralactivator)选择性地活化,从而催化反应生成非外消旋产物。

    With asymmetric activation strategy , a chiral or even racemic catalyst may be selectively activated by a chiral activator to yield non - racemic produc'ts .

  19. 用程序升温催化反应等技术研究Pd、Pt组分及CO对Pd(Pt)/Al2O3催化剂氢氧反应活性的影响

    Study of the effect of pd / pt components and CO on activity of pd ( pt ) / a1_2o_3 catalysts in h_2-o_2 reaction by temperature programmed catalytic reaction technique

  20. 但是由于覆盖在催化剂的表面的单质S对光催化反应的阻碍作用,致使TiO2对CuS的氧化率并不随着反应时间的延长而增加。

    But photocatalytic oxidation rate of CuS does not increase with the photocatalytic time for the effect of forming sulfur .

  21. 在简要阐述TiO2光催化反应机理及场流理论的基础上,通过对TiO2光催化反应过程的综合分析,将TiO2光催化反应过程分解为简单的几种流和场的耦合。

    On the base of expatiated photocatalytic reaction mechanisms and field flow theory , through analyzing the TiO 2 photocatalytic reaction processes synthetically , the homologous field flow compound system was established .

  22. 改进Marquardt法在催化反应动力学模型非线性参数估值中的应用

    The application of modified marquardt algorithm to the nonlinear estimates of catalytic kinetic model parameters

  23. 利用催化反应、TEM和TPR表征考察了制备因素包括Ni含量和催化剂前体对Ni/活性炭(Ac)催化剂甲醇羰基化性能的影响。

    Activity tests , TEM and TPR measurements have been used to investigate the effects of preparation factors including Ni loadings and catalyst precursors on the nickel / active carbon catalysts for vapor phase carbonylation of methanol .

  24. 采用醋酸酐作为酯化剂,吡啶作为活化催化剂,液相均相催化反应技术制备尿素缓释膜材料高取代度(DS)醋酸酯淀粉。

    Using acetic anhydride as esterifying agent , pyridine as activation catalyst . Applying liquid homogeneous catalyzing reaction skill for preparation of carbamide controlled release film material high substituent ( DS ) acetic starch ester .

  25. 用IR、TPD、UV-Vis和微型光反应器技术研究了CO2和C3H6在Cu/V2O5-TiO2表面上的吸附特性和光催化反应性能。

    Adsorption property and photo-stimulated surface reaction of CO_2 and C_3H_6 on the loaded metal Cu coupled semiconductor V_2O_5-TiO_2 catalyst was studied by IR 、 TPD 、 UV-Vis and photo-microreactor techniques .

  26. 采用亚硫酸钠还原法制备了Cu2O光催化剂,并将其应用于含铬(Ⅵ)废水降解还原的光催化反应,同时与Bi2WO6、TiO2等光催化剂进行了活性比较。

    The Cu2O powder catalyst prepared through the method of sodium sulfite reduction was applied to the photocatalytic reduction of Cr (ⅵ) containing in wastewater .

  27. 羟醛缩合反应是形成C-C键的重要反应之一,其传统的催化反应工艺是在酸或碱的水溶液中进行的。

    Aldol reaction is an important response to the formation of one C-C bond , the traditional catalytic reaction process is carried out in acid or alkaline aqueous solution .

  28. 在UV-TiO2-Fe3+体系中有光助Fenton效应;在光-声联合催化反应中加强了催化剂的催化活性。

    There is photo-assisted Fenton effect in the systems of UV-TiO2-Fe3 + , synergetic effect of UV / US in the UV-US-TiO2 system , and that the intensification of materials transfer can improve catalysis significantly .

  29. 实验发现,在催化反应中,甲烷转化速率的大小存在以下的顺序:La4Ni3O(10)

    It has been found that the catalytic reforming over the series of perovskite type oxides showed the orderliness as follows . As for the rate of CH_4 conversion , it was La_4Ni_3O_ ( 10 )

  30. 使用自制光催化反应器,以多孔型载体分别负载纳米TiO2和普通TiO2,以256~265nm紫外光为光源,探讨了TiO2光催化处理二甲苯废气的影响因素及处理性能。

    Common TiO2 and nanometer TiO2 were loaded on the porous carriers respectively , the 256 ~ 265 nm ultraviolet lamps were chosen as the lamp-horse , the influencing factors and characteristics of the xylene gas treatment by photocatalysis reactor were discussed .