
cuī mián liáo fǎ
  • hypnotherapy
  1. 催眠疗法可能有助于你戒烟。

    Hypnotherapy can be useful in helping you give up smoking

  2. 催眠疗法治疗失眠症的临床观察

    Clinical Efficacy of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Insomnia

  3. 催眠疗法治疗焦虑症临床疗效研究

    A clinical effective study of hypnotism therapy treating anxiety neurosis

  4. 艾米丽你考虑过催眠疗法吗

    Emily , have you ever thought about trying hypnotherapy ?

  5. 丽莎:我要试试催眠疗法。

    Lisa : I 'm going to try hypnosis .

  6. 论文的第二部分探索了催眠疗法在大学生团体辅导中的应用,尝试使用团体辅导的形式提高大学生自我接纳程度与心理健康水平。

    The second part investigates the results of group training in university students .

  7. 关于通过催眠疗法诱发的压抑记忆。

    About repressed memories being recovered through hypnotherapy .

  8. 非正统医术包括针灸、顺势疗法、整骨术、催眠疗法等治疗方法。

    Alternative medicine includes treatments such as acupuncture , homeopathy , osteopathy and hypnotherapy .

  9. 目的探讨催眠疗法对高中生考试焦虑水平的改善作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of hypnotherapy on test anxiety in high school students .

  10. 结论:催眠疗法治疗广泛性焦虑疗效肯定,病人易于接受。

    Conclusion : Hypnotherapy is effective in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder with good compliance .

  11. 在冥想过程中,催眠疗法帮助患者改变他们讨厌的行为,并给予他们不同行为方式的建议。

    Hypnotherapy helps patients change unwanted behaviors with suggestions of new behavior patterns during guided meditation sessions .

  12. 目的:了解丁螺环酮合并催眠疗法对焦虑症的疗效。

    Objective : To understand the effect of Buspirone combined with hypnotherapy in the treatment of anxiety neurosis .

  13. 治疗:纤维肌痛综合征常用水杨酸盐、局部治疗、生物反馈法、行为改善法、催眠疗法、三环类抗抑郁药物、进行规律的有氧锻炼等;

    Treatment : Salicylate , local treatment , biofeedback , behavior improvement , hypnotherapy , antidepressant drugs and regular aerobic exercise are the common therapies for fibromyalgia syndrome .

  14. 采用团体综合心理治疗,选择以音乐为背景的语言诱导催眠疗法,使受治疗者放松紧张的情绪,进入治疗状态。

    We adopted group therapy . Firstly , we chose language induction based on background music for hypnotherapy , and placed the clients at ease and into therapeutic state .

  15. 而移空技术的组织结构、术语表达借鉴了现代的思维心理学和行为、催眠等疗法的心理治疗技术。

    Modern thinking psychology and psychology therapy techniques such as behavioral therapy and hypnosis have some reference for the organization structure and term expression of MET .

  16. 催眠理疗法就像具有魔法的花招一样,但是它确实可以帮助人们进入潜意识并且找到问题的原因,像抽烟和过度饮食这一类问题那样。

    Hypnotism might seem like a magic trick , but it actually has the power to help people break into their subconscious to get to the cause of their problems , like smoking or overeating .

  17. 催眠暗示心理疗法对复诊性病患者心理防御方式的影响

    The Effects of Hypnotic Suggestive Therapy on the Psychological Defense Pattern of Recurrent STD patients

  18. 在某些状况下,催眠可以提高心理疗法的效果。

    Hypnosis can boost the effectiveness of psychotherapy for some conditions .

  19. 慢性的失眠可能需要临时运用镇静剂,催眠剂或精神疗法;

    Chronic insomnia may require the temporary use of sedatives , hypnosis , or psychotherapy ;