
cuī qīng
  • hasten the hatching of silkworms
催青 [cuī qīng]
  • [hasten the hatching of silkworms] 蚕卵在孵化前一、二天呈青色,故用加温办法促使蚕卵孵化谓之催青

催青[cuī qīng]
  1. 控制sch单养雄蚕品种雌雄蚕孵出比例的催青处理因素研究

    Research on Incubating Factors Controlling Ratio of Hatching Male and Female of sch Monocultural Farming of Male Silkworm Race

  2. 本蚕种催青测控系统采用改进的PID(ProportionIntegrationDifferentiation)控制算法,有效地控制催青室的温湿度值。

    The silkworm egg incubation temperature and humidity control system design adopts the improved control algorithm of PID ( Proportion Integration Differentiation ) . The control system of incubation have effectively made temperature and humidity changes in the room .

  3. 高温干燥催青下赤蚁sch孵化率最低,常温干燥处理其孵化也受到较大影响。

    The hatching rate of sch is lowest under high temperature and low humidity and is also affected largely under normal temperature and low humidity .

  4. 上述结果表明,不同催青条件显著改变了家蚕催青期和蛹期的H2O2代谢,滞育诱导阶段的家蚕H2O2代谢可能与滞育激素(DH)的表达密切相关。

    The results showed that metabolism of hydrogen peroxide changed significantly in egg and pupae stage with the different treatments during incubation . Metabolism of hydrogen peroxide in the course of diapause induction may be related to the expression of diapause hormone .

  5. 用华1与伴1组配的F1、F2及F1与亲本回交的14个组合作遗传分析,认为催青敏感性状由位于Z性染色体上的一个主基因控制,呈隐性的伴性遗传。

    Genetic analysis was done on 14 hybridized forms of Hua-1 with Ban-1 , including F1 , F2 and F1 backcrossing with their parents . It is considered that the temperature sensitive characteris controlled by a major gene , located in Z chromosome , which shows recessive sexlinked inheritance .

  6. 为探讨sch致死(孵化不能)的机理,本文首先分析了催青期温湿度,尤其是湿度对sch的影响和作用机制;并利用双向电泳技术和指纹质谱法对与sch有关的蛋白质进行了分析。

    To explore lethal mechanism of sch , the paper analyzes effect of temperature and humidity , especially humidity on sch and analyzes proteins related to sch lethality by applying two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry .

  7. 为了探讨家蚕Bombyxmori胚胎蛋白质整体变化,以多化性品种P50为材料,采用蛋白质双向电泳技术及图像分析技术分析了催青前期胚胎(戊3以前)各个时期蛋白质图谱及其变化情况。

    The proteins during earlier stages of embryo ( before the head thorax differentiation embryo ) and their changes were analyzed using silkworm Bombyx mori variety P50 as experimental material by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and image analysis system to analyze the change of total proteins from silkworm embryo .

  8. 应用气流调控系统实施蚕种高密度催青的研究

    Study on the High-density Incubation of Silkworm Eggs by Airflow-regulated System

  9. 蚕种催青,俗称暖种。

    Incubation of silkworm eggs , commonly known as warm species .

  10. 家蚕催青期胚胎蛋白质图谱的建立

    Establishment of 2D-PAGE Protein Patterns of Silkworm Embryo During Incubating Stage

  11. 蚕种催青智能测控系统的设计

    The design of a smart control system used to hasten silkworm hatching

  12. 利用催青温湿度控制家蚕性比的研究

    Studies on sex-control of silkworm through temperature and moisture

  13. 蚕种催青室温度模糊控制

    Temperature fuzzy control of the hatching of silkworm eggs

  14. 蚕种催青中的几项调查

    Investigation of Several Items During Silkworm Eggs Incubation

  15. 家蚕胚胎期对高温干燥催青耐受性的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Endurance of High Temperature and Low Humidity Condition During Embryo Stage in Silkworm

  16. 家蚕卵黄和胚胎蛋白质组及其催青期变动的研究

    Studies on the Proteome of Yolk and Embryo of Silkworm ( Bombyx Mori ) During Incubation Stages

  17. 不同催青处理的二化性家蚕体内过氧化氢代谢

    Effect of Different Treatments During Incubation on Metabolism of Hydrogen Peroxide in Bivoltine Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  18. 能否很好的控制催青室内的温度和湿度对蚕种催青是很关键的。

    The key problem for incubation of silkworm eggs is the temperature and humidity in the incubation room .

  19. 催青温湿度与家蚕胚胎发育中抗氧化酶活力的关系

    Relationship between the temperature , humidity in incubating condition and the activity of resist-oxidation enzyme in silkworm embryonic development

  20. 从上世纪以来,蚕种催青技术不断发展,实现了三大转变。

    From the last century , the continuous development of silkworm egg incubation techniques to achieve three major changes .

  21. 家蚕催青后期胚胎蛋白质双向电泳图谱分析

    Analysis of protein patterns from embryo of silkworm Bombyx mori at later stages by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

  22. 衡量蚕种催青质量的好差,生产常以蚕种一日孵化率和蚁体强健度评判。

    Good measure of the quality of silkworm eggs incubation poor , often silkworm egg production and hatching day ant body strong degree of evaluation .

  23. 应用蛋白质组的研究方法,以连续发育的家蚕胚胎为材料,采用蛋白质双向电泳技术,对催青期各个时期的胚胎蛋白质进行了分离,建立了家蚕催青期各个胚胎蛋白质参考图谱。

    The proteins of every embryo development stage were separated and the protein patterns were established employing continuous developmental embryo during incubating stage of silkworm using two-dimensional electrophoresis .

  24. 本文运用完全双列杂交的方法,估测了家蚕在胚胎期对高温干燥催青条件耐受性的有关遗传参数。

    Some genetic parameters about endurance of silkworm to high temperature and low humidity condition during embryo stage were calculated in complete diallel crossing ( 6 × 6 ) .

  25. 温敏致死(孵化不可能)的分子机制仍不很清楚,本研究采用蛋白质组研究技术,通过不同催青条件下具温敏性状品种的胚胎蛋白质分析,探索温敏不孵化的分子机理。

    This research was carried out to explore the molecular mechanism of not-hatching embryo by analyzing the protein of embryo with temperature sensitivity under different incubating condition with proteome technology .

  26. 与催青前期胚胎出现的特异蛋白斑点变化规律相似,这些特异蛋白斑点大多也是在随后邻近的胚胎发育中消失。

    Similar to the changing pattern of the specific protein spots of embryo at the earlier stages , most of these specific protein spots disappeared in the embryos shortly afterwards .

  27. 结合蚕种催青室的实际情况,以温度作为优先控制的环境因子,建立了模糊控制模型,给出了控制规则和模糊逻辑控制表,实现了对催青室温度的模糊控制,收到了较好的效果。

    In the paper , it introduced temperature as environmental factor of first control . Using the method of fuzzy control to control temperature of hatching room can gain a better effect .

  28. 通过短时高温处理法和乙醇浸渍法试验,发现家蚕催青中抗性最差的时期为气管显现期(己3)前后;

    Tests with the methods of short period of high temperature and ethanol soaking showed that the lowest resistence of silkworm to environment during body pigmentation stage was found around trachea appearing .

  29. 家蚕的眠性很容易受到外界环境如催青温度、幼虫的营养条件等的影响发生变化,此外,家蚕体内保幼激素和蜕皮激素浓度的变化也会改变家蚕的眠性。

    Silkworm moultinism are vulnerable to the external environment , such as incubation temperature , the larvae of the nutritional conditions . Besides , it can also be changed by the concentration alteration of juvenile hormone and ecdysone .