
  • 网络Child Abuse;child maltreatment
  1. 她也开始在耶鲁纽黑文医院工作,创建了一套处理疑似儿童虐待案的法律流程。

    She had also begun working in the Yale New Haven Hospital to develop procedures to handle suspected child abuse cases .

  2. 最近一项调查显示,在儿童虐待和内部暴力滋长的地区,土著居民和非土著澳大利亚人之间的鸿沟不断增加。

    A recent study has found the gap between non-indigenous Australians and their aboriginal neighbors was growing in areas such as child abuse and domestic violence .

  3. 该网站由英国国家犯罪调查局所属的儿童虐待及网络保护中心及家长空间联合开发,后者成立于2005年,旨在为家长提供帮助。

    The website has been developed by the National Crime Agency 's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre ( CEOP ) and The Parent Zone , founded in 2005 to provide support to parents .

  4. Thorn集团的首席执行官朱莉·科尔多瓦说,大约一半的儿童性虐待内容为视频格式。该公司开发了一项帮助执法人员侦查性贩卖的技术。

    Julie Cordua , chief executive of Thorn , a group that has developed technology to help law enforcement officials detect sex trafficking , said about half of child sexual abuse material is formatted as video .

  5. 在做客BBC四台的《荒岛唱片》时,这位前英格兰国家队队长被问到了当下在足球界里发生的儿童性虐待丑闻。

    The former England captain was asked about the current child sex abuse scandal in football during his appearance on BBC Radio Four 's " Desert Island Discs . "

  6. 前宾夕法尼亚大学校长斯格拉汉姆·斯潘尼尔已被指控与杰瑞·桑达斯基儿童性虐待丑闻有关。

    Former Penn State President Graham Spanier has been arraigned on charges stemming from the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal .

  7. 他表示自己的报告和调查都是正确无误,他发现包括帕特诺在内的四名宾夕法尼亚州立大学官员未能阻止儿童性虐待的发生。

    He says that his report and investigation were accurate and he found that four Penn State officials including Paterno , failed to stop a child sexual predator .

  8. 在其他两个大学管理员因为儿童性虐待丑闻被捕后,斯潘尼尔被剥夺了宾夕法尼亚州立大学校长的职务。

    Spanier was ousted from his post as Penn State President last year when Sandusky and two other university administrators were arrested in connection to the child sex abuse scandal .

  9. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学橄榄球队教练乔尔·帕特诺的家人晚些时候发布了一份报告,指出早些时候涉及他前助理杰瑞·桑达斯基的儿童性虐待丑闻的结论中存在矛盾之处。

    The family of late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno has released a report contradicting the findings of an earlier report on the child sex abuse scandal involving his former assistant Jerry Sandusky .

  10. 美联社报道,在六年期间,美国至少786名儿童死于虐待和疏忽。这些儿童在“儿童保护机构的眼皮底下”死去。

    The Associated Press says at least 786 children in the United States have died of abuse and neglect in a six-year span , saying the children died " in plain view of child protection authorities . "

  11. 受害人家人谴责教练John,称对他寄予免职处分,并不能抵消他在宾夕法尼亚大学足球馆对儿童进行性虐待的过失。

    The family of blamed coach * says the removal of his status from outside Penn State football stadium is not serverd victims since child sex abuse scandle that * in the university .

  12. 她说,儿童面临性虐待,被杀,致残,强迫入伍等危险。

    She says children are at risk of sexual violence , killing and maiming , and forced into armed groups .

  13. 您关于自我割伤、儿童期性虐待和家庭暴力的研究证实了过去几十年来我从自己的患者或者亲身经历中所见证的事实。

    Your research on cutting , child sexual abuse , family violence confirms what I have seen in my own patients , or experienced myself , for decades now .

  14. 儿童期间受到的虐待对他人格的形成构成了障碍。

    His personality was stunted by the brutal treatment in his childhood .

  15. 亚利桑那州儿童保护局设有虐待儿童投诉热线。

    Arizona child protect services maintains a telephone hotline for child abuse complaints .

  16. 佩雷斯说,对在美国出生的穆斯林儿童来说,遭受虐待是最痛苦的。

    Perez says the abuse is particularly acute and painful for U.S. - born Muslim children .

  17. 美联社说,有关儿童死亡的数据收集系统存在缺陷,因此没有人能够确切地说出每年究竟有多少儿童死于虐待或者疏忽。美国联邦政府估计,近些年平均每年有大约1650名儿童死于虐待和疏忽。

    The data collection system on child deaths is so flawed , AP said , that no one can say for certain how many children overall die from abuse or neglect every year . The federal government estimates an average of about 1650 deaths annually in recent years .

  18. 已经在纽约儿童福利和保护局工作了28年多的罗淑华表示,纽约每年都有近5000起投诉和儿童虐待有关的案件。

    Luo Shuhua , who has worked at the Child Welfare and Protection Bureau of New York City for more than 28 years , said that every year nearly 50000 complaints related to child abuse are lodged in New York City .