
  • 网络Yuanzhong;Genchu
  1. 使用WebSphereESB代理接口在路由自定义中介基元中添加一些对WebSphereServiceRegistryandRepository的调用。

    Add calls to WebSphere Service Registry and Repository in the routing custom mediation primitive using the WebSphere ESB proxy interface .

  2. 结果表明,随着压强的增加,能带电子占据数发生变化,s分波和P分波电荷逐步向d分波和f分波电荷转移;电声矩阵元中p(?)

    The results show that under increasing pressure the band occupation numbers change , with s and p electron number gradually transferring to d and f electron number .

  3. 软土的弹塑性损伤模型在Biot固结有限元中应用

    Application of elastoplastic damage model of soft soils to Biot 's consolidation theory

  4. 对系列粉晶进行了X射线衍射点阵参量计算,结合所得到的晶粒度和微结构参数,发现纳米TiO2粉晶组元中存在着晶格畸变。

    Calculating the lattice parameter of series TiO2 samples , and combining the grain - size and substructure pa-rameter , we found that there was lattice distortion at the nanocrystalline TiO2 powder .

  5. 根据变分法推导出了杂交有限元中奇异元应力强度因子的计算公式,并用杂交有限元法计算了V形切口顶端的应力强度因子KⅠ和KⅡ。

    Based on the Variation Principle , the formula of stress intensity factor of hybrid-element were obtained , the stress intersity factor of the beams with V-notch , K ⅰ and K ⅱ calculated by the hybrid-element method .

  6. 并以一维应力波为例,讨论了FCT方法在有限差分与有限元中的应用。

    With the numerical simulations of one dimensional stress waves , its applications to Finite Difference Method ( FDM ) and Finite Element Method ( FEM ) are also discussed .

  7. 扩展有限元中非连续区域的一种积分方案

    An integration scheme for discontinuities in the extended finite element method

  8. 应力函数及其对偶理论在有限元中的应用

    Application of stress functions and its dual theory to finite element

  9. 单纯形上的受限制插值及在有限元中的应用

    Interpolations on a Simplex with Constrains and its Applications to Finite Element

  10. 自适应有限元中误差度量的选择

    The Selection of Error Measures in the Adaptive Finite Element

  11. 一种后继屈服函数及其在弹塑性有限元中的应用

    Elliptical Subsequent Yield Function and Its Application to Elastic-Plastic Finite Element Analysis

  12. 边界元中的角点处理方法

    An Analysis of Corner Effect in Boundary Element Method

  13. 三维常数势边界元中的精确积分

    Accurate Integration of 3D Constant Potential Boundary Element

  14. 基面力概念在余能原理有限元中的应用

    Application of the Base Forces Concept to Finite Element Method Based on Complementary Energy Principle

  15. 应力协调迭代法在高速冲击动力有限元中的应用

    The Application of Compatible Stress Iterative Method in Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of High Velocity Impact

  16. 一种四面体网格局部自适应方法在有限元中的应用

    A local adaptive grid refinement method of tetrahedron element and its application to the finite element method

  17. 本文对时空有限元中较为深入的两个问题,即动力大变形问题及振动控制问题进行了探讨。

    The applications of space-time finite element method in large deformation and active vibration control are initially discussed .

  18. 在这四种益生元中,大豆低聚糖的抑制效果最强,低聚木糖次之,低聚果糖,低聚甘露糖的抑制效果较弱。

    Among these four prebiotics , soybean oligosaccharide has the most obvious effect , Xylo-oligosaccharides follow it , Fructo-oligosaccharides , Man-oligo - saccharides have fewer roles than them .

  19. 时域有限元中传统的矢量基函数,沿单元棱边方向取值恒定,沿棱边法向是线性插值,这限制了其模拟实际电磁场的插值精度。

    The traditional vector basis functions along the edge direction is constant and along the normal direction of the edge is linear interpolation , which limits interpolation accuracy of the actual electromagnetic field simulation using traditional method .

  20. 并认为表面等离子体极化激元中的快模还是慢模在发光中占有优势、取决于制作工艺和结的物理结构所决定的结的粗糙度,快模和慢模在发光中具有同等的地位;

    We can obtain that the predominant intensity of light emission either from fast mode or from slow mode of surface plasmon polariton is determined by the junction roughness which depends on the technological process and their structures .

  21. 目标跟踪中,如果用于数据融合的位置或速度测元中存在系统误差,可采用最小二乘意义上的微分平滑进行滤波及系统误差诊断。

    As far as the target tracking system is concerned , if the measurement units applied in data fusion , such as location or velocity , have systematic error , the Least-square differential smooth method can be used to filter and detect the systematic error .

  22. 通过对5种非人灵长类定型花纹分布频率聚类,结果提示,肤纹类型和分布频率在灵长类不同分类阶元中有一定差异,是判别种间形态特征的依据之一。

    Clustering the true pattern percentile frequencies of the five species of primates , the result conveyed that the print patterns and percentile frequencies were different in primates ' different classification , it 's one of the criterions to judge the morphological characteristics among different species .

  23. 结构分析方法:详细介绍了大质量法的基本原理,运用大质量法模拟大跨度钢桁架拱桥支承点处的地面运动,并介绍了其在通用有限元中程序的实现方法。

    The methods of structure analysis : Large mass method is described in detail and is applied to simulate the ground motion at the bearing points of the long-span steel trussed arch bridge , and the implementation method of general finite element program is described . 3 .

  24. 关于p~k元域中的n方元素

    On the nth-Degree Elements in a Field of p ~ k Elements

  25. 应用BP神经网络修正有限元模型中的刚度矩阵

    Using Backpropagation Neural Networks to Correct the Stiffness Matrix in a Finite Element Model

  26. Matlab语言及其在有限元编程中的应用

    Matlab Language and Its Applicationin Finite Element Programming

  27. 根据热力学计算结果,在Ti、Al和C三元系统中,TiC是最稳定的中间产物。

    According to the results of thermodynamics calculation , for Ti , Al and C system the most stable compound in thermodynamics was TiC .

  28. 本文用刚塑性有限元法中的可压缩法分析了H型钢轧制问题,分析并处理了两类奇异点。

    The problem of H-beams rolling is analysed by the finite element method in this paper . The deformed metal is assumed to be a slightly compressible rigid plastic material .

  29. 采用ANSYS有限元程序中的三维体单元、层单元建立了9.002016PR折线花纹载重斜交轮胎的三维有限元模型;

    D finite element model for truck bias tyre ( 9.00 20 16PR ) was developed by using layer elements and solid elements of ANSYS software .

  30. 命名空间为CBS元模型中的对象提供一种分组方法,从而使系统更具模块化。

    A namespace provides a means for grouping objects in the CBS meta-model , thereby making the system more modular .