
  • 网络meta narratives;meta-narrative;meta-narratives;metanarratives;meta narration
  1. b叙述者的处理&包括叙述者的隐退、叙述视角的限制和元叙事等;

    B , the skills of the narrator which include the absence of narrator , the limitation of narrator 's view and Meta-narrative ;

  2. “现代性”以“元叙事”为其特征,后现代性是对元叙事的颠覆。

    While modernity is characterized by meta-narrative , post-modernity subverts meta-narrative .

  3. 听听这首聪明的《空白空间》(BlankSpace)吧,这是关于斯威夫特“约会灾星”恶名的元叙事:

    Take the clever " Blank Space , " a metanarrative about Ms. Swift 's reputation as a dating disaster :

  4. 另一原因是电视叙事的类型化和电视叙事作为儿童元叙事而导致儿童对类型化文学的接受。

    Another is the modeled TV narration which affects the children 's narration ;

  5. 第四章将从文学,社会学和社会学以外的话语对元叙事进行描述。

    Chapter Four discusses meta-narrative in terms of literary and sociological experiences and beyond .

  6. 在本文中,一种元叙事意义上的文学史观,亦对应一种相应的文学史研究范式。

    According to this dissertation , each literary historical theory in terms of its meta-narrative corresponds to a paradigm in literary historical study .

  7. 最后,该章将从认知的角度对元叙事的参照功能进行研究,提供范例并介绍元叙事的限制功能。

    Lastly , the chapter will investigate the referential function from a cognitive view , providing examples and discuss the restrictive function of meta-narrative .

  8. 此外,该章也会对经常与元叙事混淆的原叙事概念加以介绍,以便读者进行比较和区分。

    Besides , an introduction of proto-narrative , which is often confused with meta-narrative will be given to help us compare and differentiate the two .

  9. 第一章将介绍论文主题,包括《灰姑娘》故事中的手足之争,元叙事以及该论文的学术价值。

    The first chapter gives an introduction to the issues , including sibling rivalry in Cinderella stories and meta-narrative , and the rationale of this thesis .

  10. 后和前的叙述本身就假设了存在由某种元叙事分割开的不同的历史阶段,并承认了历史继承性。

    The " post " and " pre " narratives selves presupposed historical phases divided by a certain meta-narrative and presupposed the idea of historical succession .

  11. 第三,在社会研究的选题上,齐美尔非常有特色的地方就是有意回避与元叙事相关的宏大问题,致力于探索主流社会学不屑一顾的琐碎的、边缘的小问题。

    Simmel deliberately avoided great projects concerning meta-narration . He devoted to the research of minor issues of trivial , marginal problems which were ignored by sociological research .

  12. 解放政治完全奠基于普遍理性的基础之上,它诉诸于理性、主体、意义、进步等宏大叙事、元叙事。

    Emancipatory politics is totally based on the General Reason . It appeals to the philosophical language of macro-narrative , meta-narrative , such as rationality , subjectivity , meanings , progress , and so on .

  13. 坚守启蒙元叙事和电影语言的先锋性是其艺术探索的两极,但是他一直没能很好解决思想启蒙和电影叙事的关系。

    Insisting on the meta-narrative of enlightenment and the pioneer movie artistry made up two aspects of his artistic exploration , but he was always unable to deal with the relationship between thoughts enlightenment and movie narrative effectively .

  14. 宏大叙事、元叙事拒斥差异、多元、偶然、边缘,追求普遍性、同一性、绝对、确定、权威、中心。

    " Macro-narrative " , " meta-narrative " emphasize on the aspects of generality , uniform , absoluteness , certainty , authority and centering , and get rid of the elements of difference , variety , casualness and margin .

  15. J.M.库切在《慢人》这部小说中所用的元小说叙事旨在探求小说与现实的关系并提出当代小说创作的新的出路。

    By using the metafictional narrative strategies , J. M. Coetzee aims to reveal the interdependent relationship between fiction and reality as well as put forward a fresh way for contemporary writing .

  16. 论传统现实主义小说创作的二元对立叙事模式

    Dual-antagonistic Narrative Model of the Chinese Traditional Realistic Novels

  17. 论元杂剧叙事的抒情化特征

    The Discussion of the Lyric Feature of the Yuan Poetic Drama 's Narration

  18. 论元小说叙事中作者出面的不成立

    " The Presence of Author " Can Not Be Found in the Narrative in Metafiction

  19. 其实,元杂剧叙事文学的性质决定了曲词中必然有叙事。

    In fact , Yuan-zaju 's character of narrative literature decides the necessity to narration in songs and words .

  20. 溯其根源,它是北宋后期新旧党争的产物,并且从属于南宋的“元祜叙事”。

    This saying came from the competition between the New and the Old partisans in the Late Northern Song Dynasty , and belonged to the Narration in the Era Yuanyou .

  21. 《傲慢与偏见》中的二元对立及其叙事效果

    The Binary Oppositions in Pride and Prejudice and Narrative Effects

  22. 元明民间叙事文本中关羽的另类形象

    An Idiosyncratic Image of Guan Yu in the Folklore of the Yuan and the Ming Dynasty

  23. 第三章立足于二元对立的叙事策略,旨在概括其逐渐成熟的人物形象塑造手法,梳理发展变化的人物关系。

    The third chapter will analyze the maturing creation of characters and the developmental relationships between them , based on the narrative strategy of Binary Opposition .

  24. 本文通过分析认为,元语言在叙事小说的叙述与评论中发挥着重要作用。

    This paper discusses the narrative and evaluative comments making use of metalingual and metalinguistic devices and proposes that such devices play important roles in narrative fiction .

  25. 从叙事特点看,八个样板戏体现了叙事题材历史化、叙事原则明晰化、叙事模式二元对立,叙事动机与叙事效果相背离等叙事特点。

    Looking from the narrative characteristic , " eight model plays " have manifested that the narrative theme with history mainly , the narrative principle defined , the narrative pattern always dual opposition , the narrative motive and the narrative effect are different from each other .

  26. 《西游记》中红孩儿原型在元杂剧中的叙事线索

    Narrative Clues of Hong-haier 's Prototype in the Yuan Dynasty 's Zaju

  27. 在绪论中,论述了家庭家族与中国政治伦理文化的关系,探讨家庭家族与文学母题之联系,并对元明家庭家族叙事文学进行了界说。

    The exordium is a discussion on the relationship among families ( sagas ), Chinese politics , ethics , culture and literary motives .

  28. 他们大多从神话传说、人物形象、文化视角、二元对立冲突、叙事技巧、体裁等方面进行研究。国内对这部小说的研究还很少。

    Foreign studies mainly focus on myths , images , culture , binary oppositions , narrative techniques , genre , etc. Few studies have been made by domestic critics on this novel .

  29. 由元小说产生的元叙事和互文性大量出现在现代派小说之中,造成了现代小说叙事的重大转型。

    Meta-narrative and inter-textuality induced by meta-fiction appearing in modernist novels lead to the change of narrative of modern novels .