
chōng qì
  • aerate;aerify;air inflation;gas charging;inflate
充气 [chōng qì]
  • (1) [inflate]∶通过加压,使气体进入物体内

  • (2) [aerate]∶见加气

充气[chōng qì]
  1. 我们给土壤充气,允许氧气通过我们的蚁丘而少量充满在土壤中。

    We aerate the soil allowing oxygen to be present in small amounts through our anthills .

  2. 浮选前充分搅拌、充气;

    To fully agitate and aerify the pulp before flotation ;

  3. 猛拽绳扣使你的救生衣充气。

    Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord .

  4. 你再给气球充气,它就要爆了。

    That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more .

  5. 救生衣未能充气。

    The life jacket failed to inflate .

  6. 充气过量的轮胎更容易爆裂。

    Overinflated tyres burst more easily .

  7. 可以给潜水衣充气以增大浮力。

    Air can be pumped into the diving suit to increase buoyancy .

  8. 斯图尔特跳到海里给救生艇充气。

    Stuart jumped into the sea and inflated the liferaft

  9. 孩子们在充气的城堡上嬉戏。

    The children were playing on the inflatable castle .

  10. 唐的救生衣未能充气膨胀。

    Don 's lifejacket had failed to inflate .

  11. 除了给轮胎充气外,我没做过任何汽车保养。

    Other than blowing up a tyre I hadn 't done any car maintenance .

  12. 他的救生衣未能充气胀起来。

    His life jacket failed to inflate .

  13. 那个气球充气后就变大了。

    The balloon enlarged as we pumped air into it .

  14. 在充气流动中,固体颗粒被气体流化或悬浮起来。

    In aerated flow solids are fluidized or suspended by the gas .

  15. 别给气球多充气了!它会炸的!

    Don 't blow the balloon up any further ! it 'll burst !

  16. 给空气床垫充气花了几分钟时间。

    The inflation of the airbed took several minutes .

  17. 另一种空气温度传感器是充气波纹管。

    Another ambient temperature sensor is the vapor-filled bellows .

  18. 我们得给足球充气。

    We have to inflate the football .

  19. 他正在给气球充气。

    He is inflating the balloons .

  20. 如果发生撞车,气袋会充气胀开保护前座的乘客。

    The air bag would inflate in event of a collision to cushion front seat passengers .

  21. Air(初三适用)柴油机螺旋进气道充气系数与涡流强度的分析

    An Analysis of the Air Flowing Coefficient and Swirl Intensity of Helical Inlet Manifold in Diesel Engines

  22. 论述充气轮胎CAD软件原理及使用方法。

    The principle and application of CAD software in tire design are described .

  23. 结肠镜操作中CO2充气法:在使用镇静剂的患者中应用的安全性和有效性

    Carbon dioxide insufflation in colonoscopy : Safe and effective in sedated patients

  24. 中性束注入器Tank充气特性对离子源放电的影响

    Influence of Gas Supply to Neutralizer Tank on Discharge Characteristics of Neutral-Beam-Injection Ion Source

  25. 方法对10例可疑结肠新生物患者行结肠不同气量充气后螺旋CT扫描。

    Methods Ten patients underwent the examination of spiral CT after being charged air into colon in different cubage .

  26. MAC无固相充气钻井液的研究及应用

    Study and Application of MAC Solid free Aerated Drilling Fluid

  27. 目的探讨螺旋CT充气结肠造影及后处理对肠腔良性狭窄的诊断价值,比较16层螺旋CT与结肠镜的优缺点,为临床选择诊断手段提供参考。

    Objective To evaluate the value of 16 Sensation Spiral CT Pneumocolon and its postprocessing in diagnosing benign stricture in intestinal tract .

  28. 以发动机外特性试验数据为基础,建立了理论模型,获得了喷油脉宽、充气效率初始MAP。

    According to the external characteristic and theoretical model builded , initial control MAPs for injection pulse width and volume efficiency were obtained .

  29. 医用周期性充气加压(IPC)装置控制系统设计

    Design of a Control System for Iatrical Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Apparatus

  30. 目的观察颈部皮下CO2充气对腔镜下甲状腺手术动脉血气的影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of subcutaneous carbon dioxide insufflation on arterial blood-gas values during endoscopic thyroid operations .