
  • 网络Electromagnetic theory of light
  1. 根据光的电磁理论及光矢量的图示法,分析了原子发生塞曼跃迁时产生的σ线和π线的偏振特性。

    According to the electromagnetic theory of light and the graphic method of vector , the characteristic of σ and π polarizations of the transition of atom is analyzed .

  2. 介绍了利用He-Ne激光器和镀金属玻璃镜演示光的薄膜干涉的一种实验方法,并从光的电磁理论和光度学角度对形成的等倾干涉条纹进行了深入分析。

    This paper develops a method of light interference of thin films with He-Ne laser and a glass plate having a metalized surface . The optical principles analyzed are based on the electromagnetic theory of light and photometry .

  3. 从光的电磁理论出发,导出了光在单负材料周期性结构的传输矩阵。

    Based on electromagnetic theories , the expression of transfer matrix of periodical structure formed by single-negative materials is deduced .

  4. 其次根据光的电磁理论和麦克斯韦方程,依据理想阶跃光纤中几何物理结构,导出了光纤中传播光的模式理论。

    According to electromagnetic theory and Maxwell equations , theoretical model of mode interference is derived based on an step index fiber .

  5. 最后讨论了e光线的折射公式与e光波法线的折射定律的等价性,从而说明Fermat原理与光的电磁波理论存在内在的一致性。

    The refraction formulas obtained of e rays are proved to related to the law of the refraction of the e wave normals , which shows the Fermat 's principle is intrinsically consistent with the electromagnetic wave theory of light .

  6. 光场力的电磁理论分析

    Electromagnetic theory of optical forces