
  • 网络FOG;fiber optic gyroscope;the fiber-optic gyroscope
  1. 标定技术主要是对SINS的惯性敏感元件&石英挠性加速度计和光纤陀螺仪的基本误差模型参数进行确定。

    Calibration technology mainly makes sure SINS Inertial Measurement Unit-quartz flexibility accelerometer and FOG basic error model parameter .

  2. 由于光纤陀螺仪漂移受环境温度的影响,误差模型具有时变性,其中,常值漂移量与温度是一种非线性关系;

    The error model of the FOG 's drift is time-varying and the constant component of the FOG 's drift has a relation of nonlinear to the temperature ;

  3. 基于FPGA的光纤陀螺仪信号处理

    Signal Processing Based on FPGA in FOG

  4. 一种缩短闭环干涉式光纤陀螺仪(IFOG)预热时间的方法

    A Novel Method to Shorten the Warm-up Time of Closed-loop IFOG

  5. 在对自行研制的光纤陀螺仪获取大量的实验数据的基础上,针对光纤陀螺仪的零位偏移,利用BP神经网络并运用Bayes训练算法,建立了一种温度补偿模型。

    Based on lots of experiment data of fiber optic gyro ( FOG ) designed by ourselves , aiming at the bias , using BP neural network and adopting Bayes training arithmetic , a new temperature compensating model is provided .

  6. 捷连惯性导航系统SINS-500是基于TRS-500的光纤陀螺仪、精密加速度传感器以及板式集散地。

    Strapdown Inertial Navigation System SINS-500 is based on Optolink 's TRS-500 FOGs , precise accelerometers and board computer .

  7. 光纤陀螺仪及其导航系统作为新一代精确惯性导航系统用于潜艇导航,并将全面取代传统惯性与静电陀螺(SEG)潜艇导航。

    Fiber Optic gyro and its navigation system was used as new type precision inertia navigation system used in submarine navigation , and it will replace traditional inertia and static electricity gyro ( ESG ) navigation .

  8. 讨论了在干涉型光纤陀螺仪、光时域反射计、医学相干检测技术、波分复用技术中对SLD的要求。

    The requirements of Interference fiber optical gyroscope ( IFOG ), optical time domain reflectometer ( OTDR ), biomedicine optical coherence tomography ( OCT ), and Wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) for SLD were introduced respectively .

  9. 光纤陀螺仪测量振动方法的数值模拟

    The Numerical Simulation of Fiber Optic Gyro for Vibrational Measure

  10. 光纤陀螺仪的光学器件偏振特性测试方法研究

    Theoretical and Experiment Research on Polarization Parameters Test System of Fiber-optic Gyroscopes

  11. 闭环干涉式光纤陀螺仪温度补偿技术的研究

    Research on the Temperature Compensation Technology of Closed - Loop Fiber Optic Gyro

  12. 论述了光纤陀螺仪测试系统的组成。

    A fibre optic gyroscope test system is presented .

  13. 冻结孔测斜用光纤陀螺仪的设计研究

    On design of fiber-optic gyroscope for inclinometer of freeze-hole

  14. 光纤陀螺仪原理及数据读取方法研究

    The Theory of Fiber Optical Gyroscope and a Method of Reading its Data

  15. 光纤陀螺仪具有独特的优势,应用越来越广泛。

    Fiber optic gyro has special advantage and is used more and more extensive .

  16. 介绍了闭环方案的干涉型光纤陀螺仪和捷联惯性测量组合。

    The closed-loop interference fiber optic gyroscopes and strapdown inertial measurement unit are introduced .

  17. 详细介绍了循环干涉型光纤陀螺仪的实验装置及测试结果。

    Design and Manufacture of Branch Optic Waveguide Phase Modulator for Fiber Optic Gyroscope ;

  18. 一种光纤陀螺仪的开发

    The development of an optical fiber peg-top instrument

  19. 光纤陀螺仪在惯性测量组合中的应用分析

    Analysis of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes in IMU

  20. 开环光纤陀螺仪特点及应用

    Particularity and application of open loop FOG

  21. 三轴一体轻小型光纤陀螺仪的时序设计

    Timing for miniaturized three-cluster fiber optic gyro

  22. 光纤陀螺仪基本原理与分类

    Principle and Classification of Optic Fiber Gyroscope

  23. 介绍了新型惯性仪表光纤陀螺仪的原理、技术现状与应用。

    The theory , technology status and application of a new type fiber-optic gyroscope are introduced .

  24. 该文简要说明了开环光纤陀螺仪的特点,综述了国外研制和应用情况。

    A brief description of open loop FOG and its application are included in the paper .

  25. 温度漂移是影响光纤陀螺仪精度的重要因素。

    The accuracy of the Fiber Optic Gyroscope ( FOG ) is primarily affected by temperature bias .

  26. 光纤陀螺仪、光纤电流传感器是比较成熟的光纤传感器,已成功地实现了商业化。

    Fiber-optic gyroscopes , fiber-optic current sensors are the relatively matured ones , which have been commercialized .

  27. 向高精度发展的干涉型光纤陀螺仪技术

    IFOG Progress Toward High Precision

  28. 双束输入光纤陀螺仪

    Dual - input fiber-optic gyroscope

  29. 随着惯性仪器、仪表技术的发展,光纤陀螺仪结构简单,性能稳定性显著提高,以及其成本低,体积小,重量轻等优点,使其尤其适合捷联式惯性导航系统的应用。

    With the development inertial instruments , FOG has advanced and fits for the application of strapdown navigation .

  30. 根据光纤陀螺仪的工作原理和特点,光纤陀螺仪具有不同的分类。

    The fiber-optic gyroscope ( FOG ) is classified into different types according to its principle and characteristic .