
  1. 眼底照相机光学系统中杂光和鬼像的控制

    Control of ghost and scatter light in retinal camera

  2. 论述了眼底照相机的原理和控制杂光及鬼像的方法。

    A method for clear up the harmful light such as scatter light and central ghost in retinal camera was introduced .

  3. 提出了减少杂光和鬼像的相应措施,实验结果验证了提出的措施能够减少杂光及消除鬼像,提高系统成像质量。

    Several kinds of methods to decrease the stray lights and ghost images was proposed and they have been proved to be effective .

  4. 透镜系统的镜面反射杂光的计算&鬼像的模拟与分析

    Calculation of Veiling Glare Due to Reflections Between Surfaces & Ghost Image Simulation and Analysis