
  • 网络cranfield university;University of Cranfield
  1. 克兰菲尔德大学的研究表明:把英国本土饲养的牛和羊转换成牛肉、羊肉替换进口的豆腐或者是素肉会增加耕植土地的数量,造成森林被毁坏的风险。

    According to a study from Cranfield University , " Switching from British-bred beef and lamb to meat substitutes imported from abroad such as tofu and Quorn would increase the amount of land cultivated ,

  2. 上个月英国飞机公司ZeroAvia举行了世界首架氢燃料电池驱动的商用级别飞机的试飞。这架有六个座位的派珀马里布飞机从克兰菲尔德大学的机场起飞。

    Last month UK-based ZeroAvia conducted the world 's first flight of a commercial-grade aircraft powered by a hydrogen fuel cell when it flew a six-seater Piper Malibu plane from Cranfield University 's airport .

  3. 在顺应公司地理要求这一点上,英国克兰菲尔德大学(CranfieldUniversity)的克兰菲尔德管理学院就是取得成功的学校之一。

    The Cranfield School of Management at Cranfield University in the UK is just one of the schools that have been successful in reacting to company geography .