
  • 网络Aeschylus;Colin Mackerras;escalus;Cless;Megacles
  1. 有争议的叫车应用运营商优步(Uber)招募了一批高级顾问,包括曾经担任欧盟委员会专员的内莉•克勒斯(NeelieKroes),以帮助它对付在世界各地面临的许多监管障碍。

    Uber , the controversial ride-hailing operator , has recruited a host of senior advisers including former European commissioner Neelie Kroes to help it navigate the many regulatory roadblocks it faces around the world .

  2. 欧盟数字议程专员内莉•克勒斯(NeelieKroes)也强调需要加快4G的部署,并在最近将关注点转向了开发下一代移动网络,即所谓的“5G”技术。

    Neelie Kroes , Europe 's digital commissioner , has also emphasised the need to accelerate 4G rollout , and has recently shifted the focus to developing the next stage of mobile networks with so-called " 5G " technology .

  3. 克勒斯和他的同事们找到了一种可以绕开这个问题的办法。

    Dr. Kroes and his colleagues found a way around the problem .

  4. 在欧洲,克勒斯的举动可能引发有关政府与企业之间存在“旋转门”的问题。

    In Europe , Ms Kroes " move may raise questions over the revolving door between governments and companies .

  5. 克勒斯将加入一个新的公共政策顾问委员会,以帮助优步克服这些问题。

    Ms Kroes is to join a new public policy advisory board to help Uber fight its way through these issues .

  6. 上周在欧洲议会亮相期间,克勒斯曾表示,欧盟委员会对匈牙利媒体法感到担忧。

    MS Kroes signalled that the European Commission had concerns about the law during an appearance before the European Parliament last week .

  7. 史蒂克勒斯尽全力去经营自己的生命:摄影及创作。

    When Stiklits was trying to do with his photographs , he was trying to do throughout his life & make photography and arts .

  8. 希腊传说部分也是如此,伊阿宋的传说、赫剌克勒斯的传说、俄狄浦斯的传说等等也无一不是关于复仇主题的叙说。

    Likewise , Greek legends , such as the stories of Jason , Heracles and Oedipus , are all narrative of the topic of revenge .

  9. (希腊神话)一位悲剧国王,无意中杀父娶母;索夫克勒斯戏剧俄狄甫斯王的主角。

    ( Greek mythology ) a tragic king who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother ; the subject of the drama Oedipus Rex by Sophocles .

  10. 克勒斯表示,虽然她支持进一步统一欧洲电信市场,但在目前阶段不会考虑推动成立电信领域的统一监管机构。

    She said that while she was keen to further harmonise the market , she was not considering pushing for the creation of a single telecoms regulator at this stage .

  11. 克勒斯于2014年11月离开布鲁塞尔,她对这种担忧不以为然,表示:“我坚信这些立场,因此有理由提供建议。”

    Ms Kroes , who left Brussels in November 2014 , dismissed the concerns . " I strongly believe in such positions , so it makes sense to give advice , " she said .

  12. 克勒斯是欧盟委员会前竞争和电信事务专员,在任期间曾发声支持优步,且以批评德国等国禁止优步的做法出名。

    Ms Kroes , a former competition and telecoms regulator , was a vocal proponent for Uber while in office and a well-known critic of efforts to ban the company in countries such as Germany .