
  • 网络Clytemnestra
  1. 他刚从特洛伊返回家就被其妻克吕泰涅斯特拉杀死。

    He was killed by his wifer Clytemnestra upon his return form Troy .

  2. 阿伽门农的妻子克吕泰涅斯特拉对丈夫的残忍深感愤怒。

    Agamemnon 's wife Clytemnestra was greatly enraged at her husband 's cruelty .

  3. 他长大成人后为父报仇,杀死爱吉沙斯和克吕泰涅斯特拉。

    On reaching manhood , Orestes avenged his father by killing Aegisthus and Clytemnestra .

  4. 妻子克吕泰涅斯特拉和自己可爱的女儿伊菲革尼亚苦苦哀求,可是阿伽门农态度冷漠,不为所动。

    His wife Clytemnestra and his lovely daughter Iphigenia made a pathetic appeal for mercy , but they found Agamemnon cold and unsympathetic .