
  • 网络Kramer;cramer;Kremer;Gidon Kremer
  1. 不管她和Kramer离婚(克莱默夫妇)还是在穿普拉达(时尚女魔头)

    Whether she 's divorcing kramer , whether she 's wearing prada .

  2. “梦中糟糕的事情是孤独一人,你感觉就更差劲。”克莱默解释说。

    " The bad thing in a dream is to be alone ; you feel worse ," Kramer explains .

  3. 最后那位老师尴尬地做个鬼脸,说,这是大主教克莱默的殉道士

    The martyrdom of Archbishop Cranmer , said the don at last , grimacing with embarrassment .

  4. 这段话出自本杰明o克莱默。这位前瑞银集团(UBS)咨询师是广受推崇的钟表业垂直网站Hodinkee的创始人兼主编。

    Swrites Benjamin Clymer , the former UBS consultant whfounded and edits the respected horological website Hodinkee .

  5. 如果你观看这个节目并且看到了克莱默,这是非常可信的,我想这是真的。

    If you watch the show and you see Cramer , it 's pretty believable . I think it 's true .

  6. 几年以后,她因电影《克莱默夫妇》(1979)而获得了她的第一个奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。

    A few years later , she won the first Oscar as Best Actress for the film Kramer vs. Kramer ( 1979 ) .

  7. 但是克莱默和罗斯医生发现了一个更明确的答案,虽然这个答案仍在逐步形成中,但答案确是肯定的。

    But Drs. Kramer and Roth sought a much more definitive answer . And that answer , though still evolving , is positive yes .

  8. 这次我支持克莱默的看法,主要是因为他解读周一股市走势的方式跟我一样。

    I 'm going to go with Jim Cramer on this one , largely because he saw Monday 's tape the same way I did .

  9. 吉姆。克莱默才华横溢,拥有过目不忘的记忆力和极强吸收信息的能力,但他也患有类似的病症。

    Cramer , as brilliant as he was , with his photographic memory and uncanny ability to retain information , suffered from a similar disorder .

  10. “信托、基金会或在财政宽松的离岸场所成立的公司越来越复杂,使得欺诈的机会更多,”克莱默先生表示。

    " The greater complexity of trusts , foundations or companies in fiscally benign offshore locations offers more opportunity for fraud , " says Mr Kramer .

  11. 令人感兴趣的是,克莱默和罗斯发现一夜被唤醒四次并没有使志愿者早上的情绪模式发生改变。

    Interestingly , Kramer and Roth found that being awakened four times a night didn 't make a difference in the volunteers ' morning mood patterns .

  12. 克莱默和罗斯开始于探求一个人的情绪在早上和晚上是否不同,是否与睡眠有直接关系。

    Kramer and Roth began by seeking to determine whether one 's mood differs between night and morning , and whether this is related directly to sleep .

  13. 我曾和拜仁的克莱默、英格兰的查理·休斯一起做研究,曾向美国国家队主教练布拉德利求学。

    I have studied Football with Dettmar Cramer ( Bayern Munich ), Charles Hughes ( England ) and been a student with Bob Bradley ( US National Team ) .

  14. 1970年,弥尔顿克莱默和托马斯罗斯提出了这样的问题:我们早上的情绪是否和头一天晚上的睡梦有关?

    In1970 Milton Kramer and Thomas Roth raised this question : do our moods in the morning relate in any way to our sleep and dreams the previous night ?

  15. 克莱默博士的同行中有人回应道,我们之所以将人性的正常组成部分当成疾病来对待,就是因为现在有了药。

    A response from others in Dr. Kramer 's field is that we are taking traits that are normal parts of human nature and casting them as diseases simply because remedies now exist .

  16. 克莱默医生说:“但你对比男人和女人时,你会发现他们梦的内容有很大的不同,这种不同与你比较,比如20岁和60岁的人或者黑人和白人要大得多。”

    Dr. Kramer says , " When you compare men and women , you get a greater difference in dream content than when you compare , say , 20 - and 60-year-olds , or black and white . "