
  • 网络Creole;Creole Language
  1. Chinglish是一种畸形英语,它不同于皮钦语和克里奥耳语,更不是一种国别变体,中国也不需要一种国别变体。

    Chinglish is a distorted English , different from Pidgin and Creole . It is not a variant distinguishing it from other nations and China does not need such a variant .

  2. 洋泾浜语与克里奥耳语有什么区别?

    What 's the difference between Pidgin and Creole ?

  3. 9月起,北外将开设库尔德语、毛利语、汤加语、萨摩亚语、科摩罗语、茨瓦纳语、恩德贝莱语、克里奥耳语、绍纳语、提格雷尼亚语和白俄罗斯语等本科专业。

    BFSU will offer Kurdish , Maori , Tongan , Samoan , Comorian , Tswana , Ndebele , Creole , Shona , Tigrinya and Byelorussian majors to undergraduates from September .