
kè lónɡ yánɡ
  • cloned sheep
  1. 最近,英国一些科学家宣布他们造出了一只克隆羊

    Recently , some English scientists announced that they produced a cloned sheep .

  2. 随着第一只克隆羊多莉的出现,关于人类是否可以违反自然来克隆自己的讨论日益激烈。

    The discussion on whether the human race can go against nature by cloning themselves has heated up with the advent of the first cloned sheep Dolly .

  3. 这只闻名于世的克隆羊以多莉。帕顿(DollyParton)的名字命名,该试验被认为是早期克隆试验的一个进步,早期克隆都依靠胚胎组织来获得生物化学遗传物质。

    That famous clone , named for Dolly Parton , was considered an advance on earlier cloning experiments , which relied on embryonic tissue for their biochemical seed material .

  4. 卡里•斯特凡松(KariStefansson)是世界顶尖的遗传学家之一,也是解码遗传学的创始人,他回忆了1996年克隆羊多丽(Dolly)诞生几个月后他写下的一首诗。

    Kari Stefansson , one of the world 's leading geneticists and the founder of Decode Genetics , recalled a poem he wrote in 1996 , a few months after the birth of Dolly , the cloned sheep .

  5. 首先,我们看了一部关于克隆羊多利的电影。

    First , we saw a movie about Dolly the sheep .

  6. 你知道吗,科学家复制头模样克隆羊。

    Do you know that scientists replicatedsheep into an identical clone .

  7. 当然,克隆羊多利,还记得吗,

    Yes , of course . Dolly the Sheep , remember ?

  8. 转基因羊与克隆羊的妊娠分析

    Gestation analysis on transgenic and cloning goats the expression sheep 's eyes

  9. 英国利用体细胞培养克隆羊“多莉”成功。

    British cloning by somatic cell culture sheep " Dolly " successful .

  10. 克隆羊“多莉”的问世是应用了一项称为细胞核转移的技术。

    Dolly the sheep was cloned using a technique called nuclear transfer .

  11. 你不明白为什么他们能克隆羊而你不能复制牛。

    A : Do you know that scientists replicated a sheep into an identical clone .

  12. 转染乳腺上皮细胞为供核细胞制备克隆羊

    Production of cloned goats by transfer of nuclei from transfected caprine mammary gland epithelial cells

  13. 利用克隆羊进行各类神经干细胞移植治疗脑挫裂伤的研究

    The Therapeutic Effect of Various Neural Stem Cells on Brain Contusion and Laceration in Cloning Goats

  14. 自从核移植产生第一头克隆羊多莉以来,对其应用一直存在争议。

    Since the clone sheep Dolly was born , the arguments about nuclear transplantation were never stopped .

  15. 也谈克隆羊&关于多莉风暴引发的思考

    Thoughts on Clonal Lamb Dolly

  16. 多利是头克隆羊。

    Dolly is a clone .

  17. 克隆羊多利出生五年了,克隆技术却一直见不到曙光。

    Five years on from Dolly , the science of cloning is still stuck in the dark ages .

  18. 多利,世界上第一只克隆羊,是第一只成功由体细胞克隆而成哺乳动物。

    Dolly , a ewe , was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell .

  19. 1996年正是在这里的罗斯林学院诞生了科学史上的重大突破“克隆羊多利”。

    The Roslin institute is where Dolly the Sheep was born in1996 marking a breakthrough in the science of cloning .

  20. 伊安威尔摩特博士是克隆羊多利的负责人,他也加入了反对克隆人的阵营。他说这样做风险太大。

    Dr Ian wilmut , the brition responsible for cloning dolly , has joined the campaign against human cloning , saying it is too risky .

  21. 自孟德尔发现基因的遗传规律以来,基因研究已经取得了很多突破,从克隆羊多利走出实验室,到人类基因组草图以及正式图谱的完成,基因科技应用的领域越来越广泛。

    Form and Perfect the Noble Ethical Spirit in Research Since Mendel found the hereditary rules of genes , the search to gene has already made a lot of break-through .

  22. 自1997年英国研究人员制造出世界上第一只克隆羊多莉后,由于伦理和生物学方面的担忧,克隆人类的试图一直受到广泛谴责。

    Since British researchers in1997 produced Dolly , the first cloned sheep in the world , the attempt of human cloning has been widely condemned due to ethical and biological concerns .

  23. 为进一步研究羊β乳球蛋白(BLG)基因在转基因大动物中的应用,利用克隆的羊BLG基因5′和3′区的5kb和4.2kb构建乳腺表达载体。

    In order to construct a universal mammary gland expression vector , sheep beta lactoglobulin ( BLG ) gene promoter , 5 ′ and 3 ′ region of 5 kb and 4.2 kb fragment were used , and the first and second intron of BLG gene were cloned and sequenced .

  24. 你们在1960年代就克隆了羊。

    You cloned a sheep in the1960s .

  25. 2006年FDA公布一项关于克隆猪、羊和牛的调查报告,称这些克隆动物的肉奶与传统繁殖动物的肉奶一样安全。

    In2006 , the Food and Drug Administration issued a review of cloned pigs , goats and cattle that found the livestock to be at least as safe to consume as conventionally bred animals .

  26. 也是第一只从成年动物身上提取细胞克隆出来的羊。

    She was also the first to be cloned from a cell taken from an adult animal .

  27. “忽视(这些后果)照我看简直就是不负责任的犯罪,”苏格兰罗斯林研究所的哈里•格里芬说,该所实验室曾于1997年克隆出多利羊。

    To ignore ( these outcomes ) seems to me to be criminally irresponsible , says Harry Griffin of Scoltland 's Roslin Institute , the lab that introduced Dolly in1997 .

  28. 布劳德援引了人工克隆的多莉羊,他指出,克隆技术已被证明缺乏安全性,因此,没有理由可以假设实验室的人造精子会比较安全。

    Citing Dolly the Sheep , Braude points out that cloning has been shown to be unsafe , and there 's no reason to suppose lab-created sperm will be any safer .

  29. 欧洲或许培育了全球第一只克隆哺乳动物——多利羊(Dolly),但是欧盟于今年9月开始禁止克隆家畜。

    Europe might have produced the first cloned mammal , Dolly the sheep , but in September the EU banned the cloning of farm animals .

  30. 还有什么克隆动物,除了羊,大型的动物,

    And what about animals ? Not sheep . Big animals .