
miǎn yì jì yì
  • immunologic memory;immunological memory
  1. 新生儿乙型肝炎疫苗诱导抗体阴转者对HBsAg的免疫记忆

    Immunologic Memory for HBsAg Among Vaccinees with Infancy Vaccine induced anti HBs Negative conversion

  2. 狂犬病疫苗皮内微量接种免疫记忆持久性及再免后免疫效果的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Endurance of Immunologic Memory of Intradermal Micro Injection with Rabies Vaccine and Boosting Immune Effect

  3. coli表达的pORF2-56K可诱导机体产生高水平的HEV特异性抗体和强烈的免疫记忆。

    Coli induced a high HEV-specific antibody level and a strong immune memory .

  4. 目前发现,DC对于不同的T细胞亚群包括免疫记忆性T细胞的形成具有重要作用。

    Now , it is found that DCs play important roles in the generation of various T cell subsets including memory T cells .

  5. 免疫记忆的建立对小鼠脑c-Fos蛋白表达的影响

    Effects of Immune Response on Expression of c-Fos Protein in Mouse Brain

  6. 抗原特异性免疫记忆是免疫的基本特征,其物质基础是初次免疫应答后产生的抗原特异性的记忆性T淋巴细胞和记忆性B淋巴细胞以及浆细胞。

    Antigen-specific immunological memory is a cardinal feature of immunity , which depends on generation and maintenance of memory T lymphocytes , B lymphocytes and plasma cells with antigen specificity .

  7. 并将该算法作为入侵检测系统中划分RBF网络的核心算法。3.构建了一种基于免疫记忆的RBF群的入侵检测系统,给出了基本的设计思想和算法,及学习数据的预处理方法。

    Finally the algorithm as the core algorithm be used in the intrusion detection system . 3 In this paper , construct a intrusion detection system based on immune memory RBF group . Given the basic idea and algorithm design , as well as the study of data preprocessing methods .

  8. 三维参数联合估计的免疫记忆量子克隆算法

    Immune Memory Based Quantum Clone Algorithm for Joint Estimation of 3-Dimensional Parameters

  9. 免疫记忆遗传算法及其完全收敛性研究

    Research of Immune Memory Genetic Algorithm and its Complete Convergence

  10. 基于免疫记忆克隆算法的指数化投资组合优化构建策略

    Optimal Portfolio Selection for Index Investing Based on Immune Memory Clonal Algorithm

  11. 人工免疫记忆分类器类别不均匀分布分类研究

    Research of Artificial Immune Memory Classifier in Non - skewed Class Distribution

  12. 基于优势肽和免疫记忆的混合蚁群算法

    Hybrid Ant Colony Algorithm Based on the Superior Peptide and Immune Memory

  13. 这个过程相当于免疫记忆中的一次应答。

    This process is equivalent to first time immune response .

  14. 用于约束多目标优化的免疫记忆克隆算法

    An Immune Memory Clone Algorithm for Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization

  15. 广西壮族自治区隆安县乙型肝炎疫苗全程接种后的免疫记忆研究

    Studies on the status of immune memory after completion of hepatitis B vaccination

  16. 文章利用基于免疫记忆的分类器&免疫记忆分类器研究该类问题。

    In this paper , artificial immune memory classifier is used to research such problem .

  17. 和其他无脊椎动物一样,卤虫缺乏真正意义上的抗体、没有免疫记忆能力,只能依靠非特异性免疫反应来抵御病原体的侵染。

    Same as other invertebrates , brine shrimp lacks true immune antibodies and immune memory .

  18. 基于免疫记忆克隆选择算法设计低复杂整型数字滤波器

    The Design for Digital Filter with Integer Coefficients Based on Immune Memory Clonal Selection Algorithm

  19. 人工免疫记忆模型研究

    Study of Artificial Immune Memory Model

  20. 基于自适应参数的渐进结构优化方法一种自适应免疫记忆多克隆进化算法

    Evolutionary Structural Optimization Using Self-adaptive Parameters A Novel Function Optimization Algorithm Using Float Point Number Code

  21. 利用免疫记忆功能,实现了优良基因片的重组,提高遗传算法的总体搜索能力。

    The function of immunological memory is used to recombine good gene and improve ability of searching .

  22. 抗体的多样化,不仅形状的免疫记忆的剧目,而且自身抗体。

    Antibody diversification not only shapes the repertoires of the immunological memory , but also those of auto-antibodies .

  23. 至于这种免疫记忆能否维持更长时间,尚待进一步探讨。

    As for maintaining more time of the immune memory by this immune method , it is necessary to be investigated .

  24. 理解免疫记忆反应有效的控制机制对于疫苗的设计以及调控异常免疫反应有着重要的意义。

    Understanding the mechanisms that control effective memory responses has important significance for vaccine design and in the management of adverse immune reactions .

  25. 算法中的免疫记忆单元确保了快速收敛于全局最优解,算法中的均匀交叉操作则体现了进化的思想。

    The immune memory units guarantee this algorithm rapid convergence to global optimum and the uniform crossover operator embody the idea of evolution .

  26. 该算法利用信息熵作为评价抗体亲和力的指标,具有多样识别能力、强鲁棒性和免疫记忆功能。

    The algorithm utilizes information entropy to evaluate antibodies ' affinity and has diversified capacities of discernment , robust performance and immune memory function .

  27. 11年有免疫记忆存在,但较10年内明显减弱。

    There still existed immune memeory 11 years after immunization , but it was significantly weaker than that within the first 10 years after immunization .

  28. 免疫记忆是适应性免疫应答的重要特征,其细胞学基础的阐明是疫苗开发和疾病预防的关键。

    Immunological memory is an important characteristic of adaptive immune response and elucidation of its cellular basis is critical for vaccine exploration and disease prevention .

  29. 但他的团队确实发现嗜碱性细胞击退了一种寄生虫的二次攻击,证实了这种细胞辅助免疫记忆的功能。

    His team did , however , find that basophils help rebuff a parasite 's second attack , confirming that the cells aid immune memory .

  30. 针对量子遗传算法局部搜索能力较差的问题,本文提出了一种基于免疫记忆克隆算子的量子遗传算法。

    To enhance the local search capability of quantum genetic algorithm , a novel quantum genetic algorithm based on Immune memory clonal operator is proposed .