
  • 网络free stuff;Free good
  1. 越来越多的网站为用户提高捐出物品并免费获得物品的机会。

    An increasing number of Web sites offer users a chance to give things away and get things for free .

  2. 在1980年代,右翼党派想入非非,担心如果允许大型连销店不守规则地向追逐折扣的顾客免费赠送物品,小的商店不能够与他们竞争了。

    It was dreamt up in the1980s by centre-right politicians fearful that small businesses could not compete if big chains were allowed to go after bargain-hunters in an unregulated free-for-all .

  3. 新闻工作者应避免接受新闻来源提供的礼物、钱财、票券、免费旅游或其他物品或服务。

    Journalists should avoid accepting gifts , fees , tickets , travel , or other goods or services from news sources .