
  • 网络entering tone
  1. 《方言调查字表》入声字在普通话中的分派情况

    Category of the Entering Tone in Dialect Word List in Mandarin

  2. 古入声字的归派是这些教师讲好普通话的一大障碍;

    It is a great obstacle of speaking good common speech of these teachers that distribution of the Ancient Entering Tone Words .

  3. 中古时的入声字在现在给的方言中呈现了不同的状态。

    In ancient entering characters rendered in dialect to different states .

  4. 遵义市城区青少年入声字的变异

    Variation of the Entering-Tone Chinese Characters Uttered by Juveniles in Zunyi Urban Area

  5. 记住古入声字在普通话中的读法。

    Keep in mind the pronunciation of ancient characters with entering tone in putonghua .

  6. 日本汉近体诗及其入声字应用探微

    A Study on Japanese Rhythmical Poems in Chinese Style and the Application of Four tone Words

  7. 在入声字失落韵尾的过程中,频率和位置起到了重要作用。

    In the course of missing terminal vowels , frequency and position play an important part .

  8. 古入声字在河南话与普通话中的调类分派比较研究

    The Study on the Tone Category of the Ancient Entering Tone Words in Henan Dialect and Common Speech

  9. 第五章“《音释》入声字与《中原音韵》的比较”,比较二者所收入声字的异同,并分析原因。

    In the fifth chapter , we compare Yuanshi 's entering tone words with Central China phonology and then analyze the reasons .

  10. 入声字在兰银官话、中原官话、东北方言中分派的统计分析

    " Investigate dialect word table " entering tone words in Mandarin silver blue , Zhongyuan Mandarin , northeast of the assignment of dialects

  11. 来自中古通摄、宕江摄的部分入声字在《中原音韵》中同时收在两个阴声韵里。

    Some ru-sheng characters of Tong Perturbation and Dang-Jiang Perturbation in 《 Central China Phonology 》 are received in two Yin-sheng rhymes at the same time .

  12. 《回回药方》阿汉对音材料中所见到的入声字(下)本文首先回顾了国内外利用胡汉对音资料研究阿尔泰语系语言及汉语的情况;

    In this paper , we first reviewed the situation to study the Altaic family and Chinese by using the information of Hu-han Transcriptions in the internal and external .

  13. 可以看出,清代山东方言中古入声字的调类和韵类已经与现代方言的特点基本一致,并且表现出与现代方言基本一致的地域差异,清代到现代的变化是比较小的。

    From the comparison between Qing Dynasty and today , we can find that the features of Qing Dynasty are similar to the features of modern times in Shandong dialect .

  14. 析徐州方言入声字的文白异读格局以曾摄开一、梗摄开二入声字为例中国寺庙与西方教堂建筑之异的文化解读从白马寺和东堂说开去

    The Literary and Colloquial Reading in Xuzhou Dialect s Entering Tone Words ; On the Differences of Architectural Culture between Chinese Temple and Western Church & Taking White Temple and East Church as Examples

  15. 但是河北方言与北京方言也有一些明显的差异,比如来源于中古汉语入声字(音节以爆破音结尾)的某些词语的发音就有差异。

    However , there are also some distinct differences , such as differences in the pronunciation of certain words that derive from entering tone syllables ( syllables ending on a plosive ) in Middle Chinese .

  16. 这六县市方言,是古入声字今独立成调的方言,声韵调语音系统同成渝话存在着不同程度的差异。

    The dialects of the six counties , which contain ancient Chinese characters with entering tone , are different from Chengdu-Chongqing dialect in terms of the phonetic system , particularly the consonant , vowel and tone .

  17. 在北京话中,清声母入声字好象毫无规律地派到四个舒声,无法跟其它方言对应,而造成尤其是南方方言使用者学习上莫大的困难。

    In the Beijing Dialect , characters of the voiceless Entering Tone seem to go to the four tones randomly , lacking a phonological correspondence with other dialects , thus causing enormous learning difficulty for other dialect speakers especially the Southerners .

  18. 九道辙无入声,平仄可讲&关于古入声字的调查

    With no In-tone in the Nine Rhymes , Either Flat Tone or Oblique Tone is Acceptable ── A survey on the ancient in tone characters