
  1. 介绍全国名老中医颜德馨教授诊治心脑血管疾病的经验。

    This paper introduces professor Yan Dexin s clinical experience in the treatment of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases .

  2. 被国家人事部、教育部、卫生部、国家中医药管理局评定为全国名老中医药专家学术继承工作第三、四批指导老师。

    He is rated as one of the instructors to the third and fourth academic inheritors of famous TCM experts by the State Ministry of Personnel , Ministry of Education , Ministry of Health and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  3. 王琦教授是国家人事部、卫生部、国家中医药管理局遴选的全国五百名著名老中医之一,北京中医药大学教授,中医基础理论专业博士生导师。

    Being the professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and doctoral supervisor in Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Wang Qi is one of the 500 famous veteran doctors in TCM selected by Ministry of Personnel , Ministry of Health and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .