
quán jǐng
  • panorama;full view;overall view;whole scene;general view;overall perspective
全景 [quán jǐng]
  • (1) [panorama;full view;whole scene]

  • (2) 全部景色

  • 西湖全景

  • (3) 电影摄影机摄取人像全身或一百八十度视角范围内景物的一种画面,富有立体感和真实感

  • 全景电影

全景[quán jǐng]
  1. 从山上可以清楚地看到雄伟的南京长江大桥的全景。

    The hill commands an overall view of the magnificent Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge .

  2. 本文收集了大量的概念式竞赛资料,包括从上世纪五十年代至今的竞赛主题与作品,力图为读者展示一幅概念式建筑设计竞赛的全景式画卷。

    The paper collected a lot of idea competition information , including the themes and works of the competition from the fifties in last century till now , to show the reader an overall view of the idea competitions .

  3. 今晚这辑《全景》探讨的是失业问题。

    Tonight 's edition of ' Panorama ' looks at unemployment .

  4. 从塔上可看到壮丽的布拉格全景。

    The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague .

  5. 在这个地区的制高点能够看到洛杉矶的全景。

    The terrain 's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles .

  6. 我想坐在这里看城市的全景。

    I want to sit here and look at the panoramic view of the city .

  7. 从我们在山腰的房子里,我们能俯瞰这港口的全景。

    From our house on the hillside , we can overlook the whole of the harbour .

  8. 从这里你可以看到城市的全景。

    You can get a perspective of the whole city from here .

  9. 山谷的广阔全景展现在我们面前。

    A vast panorama of the valley lay before us .

  10. 面对城市全景的会客厅任你的想象驰聘。

    Meeting room that free your imagination by opening to grand panoramas .

  11. 大多数房间都能看到海的全景。

    Most rooms enjoy panoramic views of the sea .

  12. 只需按一下键盘,你就可以进入一个全景但私密的视觉沙龙,而不必在空气不流通的香港会议展览中心里穿行。

    At the click of a keyboard , you could enter a panoramic , without having to brave the airless Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre .

  13. 开展出舱活动及舱外作业。包括舱外服在轨转移、组装、测试,进行两次出舱活动,开展舱外工具箱的组装、全景摄像机抬升和扩展泵组的安装等工作。

    Second , they will move , assemble and test extravehicular spacesuits and perform two extravehicular activities for work including assembling an extravehicular toolbox , lifting the panoramic camera and installing extended pump sets .

  14. Internet环境下三维全景浏览的研究

    Research of 3D Panorama View on Internet

  15. 基于自制标尺的C臂X光全景图像拼接方法

    C-arm X-ray image mosaic using home-made ruler

  16. 基于FPGA的高分辨率全景图像处理平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of High-Resolution Panoramic Images Processed Platform of Based on FPGA

  17. 基于XML的全景空间定义

    XML-based panoramic space definition

  18. 球形储罐~(192)Ir多源γ射线全景曝光检测

    Inspection of Spherical Tanks by ~ ( 192 ) Ir Multi-Source Panoramic Exposure Technique

  19. 基于FLASH的湛江虚拟旅游全景漫游与导航系统

    Web System of Panoramic Walkthrough and Navigation of Zhanjiang Virtual Environments Based on FLASH

  20. TDICCD全景式航空相机的像移补偿误差分析

    Image motion compensation error analysis for TDI CCD panoramic aerial camera

  21. 从旅馆的防波堤可以看到康塞普西翁火山(Conceptión)全景,这座火山高1610米,非常活跃,俯视着尼加拉瓜湖。

    A jetty from the lodge offereduninterrupted views of Concepti ó n , the 1610m-tall , very active volcano thattowered over Lake Nicaragua .

  22. 针对序列彩色图像的全景图拼接,利用MicrosoftvisualC++6.0开发了一套较完整的原型系统。

    To sequence color images panorama matching , using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 we develop a full process system .

  23. VILLASTRATO2000口腔全景X光机自检故障

    The self-testing of VILLA STRATO 2000 dental panoramic X-ray machine

  24. 基于PDA的立方体全景图实时漫游

    Real-Time Navigation of Cubic Panorama Based on PDA

  25. GPU协同处理在全景视频生成系统中的应用

    Application of GPU assisted processing on panoramic video generating system

  26. 全景图象的测览器支持标准的OpenGL接口,可以利用图形硬件提供显示加速功能。

    The browser of panoramas support standard OpenGL interface and can use graphics hardware acceleration function .

  27. SC:那么在今天,一个典型银行的IT应用全景是什么样子的呢?

    SC : So what does the IT application landscape at a typical bank look like today ?

  28. HVS:一个半现实全景图时空模型

    Hvs : a spatio-temporal model of panoramic overviews for half reality

  29. 本文结合牙科临床中对X光全景图的实际需求,提出了基于CT断层数据的仿X光全景图生成技术。

    In this thesis , a method for generating dental panoramic radiographs from 3D CT sectional data is presented , which based on the physical demand of the dental clinic .

  30. 结果图像拼接模块只需术中采集7~10张有效的C型臂图像即可拼接出下肢长骨的全景图像,为采集图像所需的术中透视时间为(19.75±0.61)s;

    Results Only 7 to 10 [ fluoroscopy time : ( 19.75 ± 0.61 ) s ] valid C-ann projection images were needed to produce a long bone panorama of the lower limb .