
quán jīng zhì
  • Holocrystalline;pleocrystalline
全晶质[quán jīng zhì]
  1. 按照拉曼光谱特征峰1000cm-1左右的强度/半高宽比值和放射元素质量分数(wB)可以将锆石分为全晶质锆石、弱变生锆石、变生锆石、强变生锆石4类。

    They can be divided into 4 types according to the ratio of intensity and width in the middle of Raman absorption peak at 1000 cm-1 ( H / W ) and contents of radioelements ( wB ) .

  2. 更新世至现代的火山岩为全晶质斑状的橄榄玄武岩和火山碎屑岩。

    The holocrystalline porphyritic olivine basalts and pyroclastic rocks are the components of Pleistocene to recent volcanic activities .