
  • 【人名】Gianna Jun
  1. 韩国一线演员全智贤(JunJi-hyun)和金秀贤近来在韩国赢得了24.8%的收视率,这在韩国尼尔森市场调查公司看来是颇高的。

    Top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating of 24.8 percent in their country , considered strong by Nielsen Korea .

  2. 这部剧集的情节就像拉美电视长剧一样曲折:金秀贤(KimSoo-hyun)饰演的帅气不老外星人在地球上被困了400年,最后成了全智贤所饰演角色的邻居。

    Its plot twists like a telenovela : In the show , a handsome alien , played by actor Kim Soo-hyun , has been stranded on earth for 400 years , never aging , and winds up living next door to Ms. Jun 's character .

  3. 这很大一部分功劳要归给正热播的韩剧《来自星星的你》。韩国一线演员全智贤(JunJi-hyun)和金秀贤近来在韩国赢得了24.8%的收视率,这在韩国尼尔森市场调查公司看来是颇高的。

    And a big part of the credit for that goes to You Who Came From The Star , the South Korean TV series which is on the air now 。 Top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating of 24.8 percent in their country , considered strong by Nielsen Korea .

  4. 在旅行过程中,刘丽萍、吴海燕和金美兰计划游览她们最喜欢的电视剧《来自星星的你》中出现过的景观。她们购买了与剧中女主角全智贤(JeonJi-hyun)所穿服装类似的衣服。

    During their trip , Ms. Liu , Ms. Wu and Ms. Jin planned to see the sights featured in their favorite Korean TV show , " My Love From the Star . " They bought clothes like those worn by the show 's female star , Jeon Ji-hyun .

  5. 面对无所不在的香港狗仔队,全智贤除了澄清,还有什么办法?

    Facing the immanence HK reporters , what can she do without clarify ?

  6. 全智贤在某一集中吃了炸鸡和啤酒后,据报道中国餐厅点炸鸡和啤酒的食客便出现了激增。

    When Ms. Jun ate fried chicken and beer in one episode , Chinese restaurants reported a surge in orders .

  7. 野蛮或许是全智贤小小的弱点,但她清纯中略略绽放迷茫的美丽,却是足以击中全体男人最大的弱点。

    Maybe , sassy is a little foible of Jun-Ji-Hyun , but beauty spreaded from her pureness and sassy , is the best army to hit all men 's biggest foible .

  8. 虽然全智贤每年都会抽时间去美国进行短期语言培训,但这次她的美国“修学行程”却特别受本国媒体关注。

    Even though Jun-Ji-Hyun had squeezed time to come to have a short English train in America , her " learning trip " in America this year was specially attentioned by Korean media .

  9. 故事则围绕一桩暗杀任务展开。来自朝鲜独立军枪法娴熟的狙击手安沃允(全智贤饰)领导了一支三人小组,他们被指派暗杀一名叛国的商业大亨和一名日本军官。

    A team of three led by Ahn Okyun ( Gianna Jun ) , a lethally adroit sniper from the Korean Independence Army , is designated to assassinate a business tycoon-turned-traitor and a Japanese commander .