
  • 网络yaohan
  1. 叫一辆出租车并告诉司机八佰伴百货他就知道了。

    Get a taxi and ask for " the Yaohan Department " and the driver will understand .

  2. 1992年5月15日,上海市政府同意兴办中日合资上海第一八佰伴有限公司得到国务院批复后,正式拉开了外资零售业进入我国市场的序幕。

    On May 15 , 1992 , the Shanghai municipal government has agreed to set up joint ventures the first Yaohan Limited approved by the State Council , which is sign of opening the retail market to foreign investment .

  3. 街区设计特征与绿色交通的选择&以上海市康健、卢湾、中原、八佰伴四个街区为例

    Neighbourhood Design Characteristics and the Choice of Green Transport

  4. 无锡八佰伴的成功在于不断创造新的观念、新的时尚、新的生活,也就是以服务创新为企业之魂,永远追求顾客的满意度;

    This paper points out that Wuxi AOHAN 's success lies in the creation of new ideas , new fashions , and new life ;

  5. 但镇江是已经建起高档商场的城市之一,兰蔻于18个月前在七层高的八佰伴开设柜台。

    But Zhenjiang is one of the cities that has built luxury malls and Lanc ô me opened its counter in the seven-storey Yaohan 18 months ago .

  6. 1992年八佰伴在我国的开业,标志外资零售业正式进入我国,开始了与本土零售商争夺我国市场的竞争,迄今为止,外资零售业的开放已经走过了快20个年头。

    Yaohan is opened in 1992 , and it marked the formal entry of foreign retailers into China , which began to compete with local retailers in China . So far , foreign investment has gone through nearly 20 year in China .