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  1. 组织者估测,沿着这条从东海岸到西海岸的路走完全程,步行需要八到十二天,骑车需要四到六天。道路的起点是约翰·穆尔童年生活的地方——罗蒙湖(LochLomond)地区东部的邓巴(Dunbar)镇。

    Organizers estimate it will take eight to 12 days on foot or four to six by bike to complete the coast-to-coast route running from Muir 's boyhood hometown Dunbar west to the Loch Lomond area .

  2. 具有八到十二岁的智力年龄的。

    Having a mental age of between eight and twelve years .

  3. 但通常,八到九成的客户是已婚人士。

    But generally , 80 to 90 percent of the clients are married .

  4. 然而,每人一年仍要消耗八到十镑奶酪。

    yet they still consume eight to ten pounds a year per person .

  5. 并上传一个两分钟的自我介绍短片,然后节目组会在八到十天后通知你。

    submit a two-minute home video , and then wait eight to ten days for a response .

  6. 三甲氧笨乙胺无毒,它的效力八到十小时就过去了。

    Mescaline is completely innocuous , and its effects will pass off after eight or ten hours .

  7. 我还见过卷烟厂里有童工,一天要干八到十个小时的活。

    And I have also seen children working in cigarette factories for eight and ten hours a day .

  8. 然后它们在八到十个星期大的时候,检测它们面对在水中游泳的挑战和困境。

    They were then tested at eight to ten weeks of age with water swimming challenges , and mazes .

  9. 在接下来的八到九天里,他们慢慢的接受了这件事实。

    And over the course of the next eight or nine days , they resigned themselves to what was happening .

  10. 您可以下载这期节目的节目向导(指南)&指南约为八到十页,可以帮你更快地提高英语。

    You can download a Learning Guide for this episode , an8 to10 page guide that will help you improve your English even faster .

  11. 研究发现,随着时间过去,大多数人每天需要八到八个半小时的睡眠才对健康最有益。

    Studies have shown that over time , most humans need eight to eight and a half hours of sleep for the best health .

  12. 古特伯格说,经常会出现这样的情况,同时有八到九个人愿意开出远高出卖方价的价格,人们不得不进行激烈的竞购。

    Goldberg says there can often be eight or nine people willing to pay above the asking price : People are having to compete dramatically .

  13. 在这星光后面有八到十个黑影,笔直、模糊、骇人地在乱动。

    In the rear of that star eight or ten forms were moving about in a confused way , black , upright , indistinct , horrible .

  14. 今天早晨,一群八到十六岁的孩子穿着红白色的阿森纳队服出现在了阿森纳的训练基地接受选拔。

    This morning a select bunch of schoolboys aged eight to16 will trot out in red and white shirts at Arsenal 's Academy headquarters at Hale End .

  15. 但是伤口很干净很干净很新鲜细菌在她体内扩散需要多�八到十天割伤是死后造成的

    But the wound 's clean.Very clean , and fresh.How long would the bacteria have been incubating inside her ? Ooh , eight , ten days.The cut was made later .

  16. 帕金森说,“这个问题没有法子解决。”而且所有的展望必然都不成靠,在未来,水分子的一次轮回可能只需要八到七天。

    " The issue is by no means settled ," said Parkinson , and predictions are necessarily uncertain , but in the future it may take eight or even seven days .

  17. 研究人员发现,在青春期,青少年体内激素激增,大脑发育,他们在每夜日常睡眠达八到九个小时时学习效果较好,也较不容易迟到、打架或经常发生运动伤害。

    Researchers have found that during adolescence , as hormones surge and the brain develops , teenagers who regularly sleep eight to nine hours a night learn better and are less likely to be tardy , get in fights or sustain athletic injuries .

  18. 你愿意去看一下“怎样成为神的孩子”并照着做吗???如果你已经相信了主耶稣,你会听神的话并去顺服吗?这一周里你会每天读八到十节圣经吗?

    Will you go now to " How to Be a Child of God " and take those steps ? ? ? If you have already believed on Jesus , will you listen and obey God 's Word ? Will you this week read 8-10 verses in your Bible daily ,

  19. 测试是由老师在小学三年级所有八岁到九岁的学生中进行的。

    Tests were carried out by teachers on the entire cohort of eight to nine year-olds in their third year at primary school

  20. 我每天都冲浪,从早上八点到午夜。

    I surf every day from about 8 P.M. to midnight .

  21. 我昨晚八点到九点在看电视。

    I was watching tv from eight to nine last night .

  22. 她在她们八岁到12岁的时候开始用二甲双胍治疗。

    She began treating them with metformin between ages 8 to 12 .

  23. 从八年级到大学一年级的那段日子里,我忘记了有关布里塔尼的往事。

    I forgot about Brittany somewhere between eighth grade and freshman year .

  24. 他邀请我们八月份到他家住几天。

    He has invited us to stay with his family in August .

  25. 队长要每个人(无一例外)八点钟到这儿。

    The captain wants each and every man to be here at8:00 .

  26. 今晚八点到八点三十到我们家来。

    Come along to our house between eight and eight-thirty this evening .

  27. 我的可不怎么样!每天八点到四点都有课!

    Mine sucks ! I have class from eight to four every day !

  28. 蒂龙:等一下,我是八点到十点当班。

    Tyrone : Wait a minute . I 'm on 8 through 10 .

  29. 你应该八点到这儿。

    You are supposed to be here at eight .

  30. 嘿,我在这儿干了18个月了,一直是八点到十点。

    Hey , I been working here 18 months , 8 through 10 .