
ɡōnɡ sù àn jiàn
  • lawsuit of public prosecution;public prosecution
  1. 他的证词是这宗公诉案件中的一个重要因素。

    His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case

  2. 我国公诉案件庭前审查制度的重构

    Restructuring Pretrial Review System of Public Prosecution Cases in Our Country

  3. 论公诉案件被害人上诉权的功能

    On Function of Victim Appeal Right in the Public Prosecution Case

  4. 论公诉案件的证明责任

    On the Burden of Proof in a Case of Public Prosecution

  5. 自诉案件与公诉案件合并审理的程序运行

    Process of Trial by Combining Private Prosecution Cases with Public Prosecution Cases

  6. 公诉案件庭前审查程序研究

    Research on Pretrial Review Procedure for the Public Prosecution Case

  7. 简论公诉案件的审理对象和范围&关于綦江虹桥案的诉讼法理

    A Brief Argument on Adjudicating Objects and Scopes in Public Prosecution Case

  8. 也谈我国公诉案件中被害人的权利问题

    On the Victims ' Rights in China in Cases of Public Prosecution

  9. 我国公诉案件撤回起诉制度研究

    The Research on the System of Reversal of Prosecute Case

  10. 论刑事公诉案件简易审理程序的适用及其完善

    A Case of Public Prosecution of Criminal Summary Trial Procedure and Perfect

  11. 莫里亚蒂公诉案件请到10号庭

    Crown v Moriarty , please proceed to Court 10 .

  12. 刑事自诉、公诉案件庭前审查程序比较

    Inspection Process of the Criminal Cases of Private Prosecution Prior to the Court Trial

  13. 笔者所研究的范围只涉及公诉案件的情况。

    The article only involves the appeal case .

  14. 我国公诉案件被害人当事人地位的价值分析

    The Status of Victims of Indictable Cases the Value of Analysis in Our Country

  15. 公诉案件律师代理制度研究

    A Study of the System of Lawyers Acting as Agent in Public Prosecution Cases

  16. 公诉案件被害人上诉权问题探讨

    A Probe into the Victim 's Appellate Right in the Case of Public Prosecution

  17. 公诉案件适用简易程序的思考

    The Ponder for the Case of Public Charge Is Suitable for the Simple Procedure

  18. 自诉与公诉案件合并和分立审理的判断标准

    The Standard of Judgment of Consolidating and Separating Prosecution of Public and Private Cases

  19. 自诉案件与公诉案件的范围界限模糊不清;

    There are unreasonable places in the definition of the scope of private prosecution case ;

  20. 对民事再审事由的思考有关公诉案件二审发回重审程序的几点思考

    A Consideration on Reasons for Civil Rehearing Review on rehearing of procedure of second instance

  21. 公诉案件中被害人参与庭审的法律思考

    Legal Reflections on Actuality Which the Victim Participate in the Hearing in Public Prosecution Cases

  22. 公诉案件刑事立案程序之反思

    The Introspection on the Criminal Procedure of Placing on File of the Public Charge Case

  23. 最后,构建公诉案件撤诉制度的监督制约机制。

    Finally , build the Withdrawal of Public Prosecuting system of supervision and control mechanism .

  24. 论公诉案件被害人刑事和解权的法律保障

    On the legal protection for the victim 's right to criminal reconciliation in public prosecution cases

  25. 侦察心理学侦察心理学侦查管辖中心论的科学性和合理性&以公诉案件为基准的考察

    On the Scientificity and Rationality of the Investigation Jurisdiction Centering Principle : Study on the Indictable Cases

  26. 论自诉案件与公诉案件的追诉时效

    On the Limitation of Prosecution of the Case of Private Prosecution and the Lawsuit of Public Prosecution

  27. 1944年、1945年自诉案件数远远超过公诉案件数。

    And in 1944 and 1945 , the amount of private prosecution cases far exceeded public prosecution ones .

  28. 不起诉裁量权是法律赋予检察机关对于刑事公诉案件起诉与否的裁量权。

    The discretionary right of non-prosecution is given to the procuratorate about the criminal cases of public prosecution .

  29. 第三部分是着重论述了我国公诉案件当事人和解的立法现状及存在问题。

    The third part focuses on the legislative status quo and problems of the criminal conciliation in our country .

  30. 北京市朝阳区检察院1999年度公诉案件量刑的分析研究

    Analysis and Research on Sentencing Discretion of Public Prosecution in Beijing Chaoyang District People 's Prosecutors ' Office in 1999